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百合の素材を作ってみました!使う際の報告は不要です。よろしければお使いください、少しでも皆さんの創作活動のお役に立てればなにより^^ (使用報告は必要ありません、ただ、いただけたら作者が喜びます。)
这次制作了百合花的素材,是自己拍照然后写生的线稿,因为自己的创作中也经常画花,所以打算做个花卉专题的素材集,是我自己也会使用的线稿,开放给大家作为个人创作可以随意使用 也请大家试试看吧,能帮助到大家创作我也很开心^^ (不需要使用报告,但是能告知作者还是会很开心的)
This time, I made the material of lily flower, which is a line sketch taken by myself and sketched from life. Because I often draw flowers in my own creation, I plan to make a collection of materials about flowers, which is also a line sketch I will use myself. It is open for everyone to use as a personal creation Please try to create together. I'm very happy to help you. (It is not necessary to use the report, but if the author is informed, the author will be happy)