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ActorCore AccuRIGでリグを入れたFBXをblenderを使って自動でVRMに変換するコードをつくりました。VRMポージングデスクトップで動かすことができて最新版ではこのソフトでのIKも使えます。 I created a code that automatically converts FBX rigged with ActorCore AccuRIG to VRM using blender. It can be moved with VRM posing desktop, and the latest version can also use IK with this software. ※This program needs VRM-Addon-for-Blender https://github.com/saturday06/VRM-Addon-for-Blender 1.unzip this folder. 2.You must to work this prpgram in ENGLISH settings With preference. Because the node name changes the settings With preference. 3.open Blender. 4.import your FBX products that Rigged of ActorCore AccuRIG. 5.change the Blender layout to Scripting mode. 6.open py file from unziped this. 7.set the path of filepathjson to "humanbody2.json". 8.Run script so you can get VRM with choosing folder.