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オリジナル3Dモデル「テラ」-TERRA- VERSION 2 UPDATE! Body changes, FX changes and a New Outfit Sample Avatar World https://vrchat.com/home/launch?worldId=wrld_0b2ad68e-d5bd-4a67-b604-28fdef351980
▶Model Specifications◀
・SDK3.0 ・LilToon shader ・102,280 Polygons ・Full body tracking support ・Physbone v1.1 ready ・Combinational gestures included ・over 180 shapekeys for facial expressions ・MMD compatible shapekeys ・Animated weapon [ADGBlade] ・Animated bubblegum ・7 custom Terra emoji ・Toggleable clothing
・SDK3.0対応 ・LilToonシェーダー ・PhysBone(v1.1)設定済み ・ポリゴン数△102,280 ・フルトラッキング対応 ・表情、調整用:180以上 ・MMD互換 ・アニメーション武器 "ADGBlade" ・ガム ・テラ絵文字7個 ・衣装の着脱
・SDK3.0 ・LilToon 着色器 ・102,280 个多边形 ・支持全身追踪 ・支持并预设有 1.1 版本物理骨骼 ・可组合使用的手势表情 ・超过180个可动部位来自定义面部表情 ・兼容MMD的面部动画 ・带有动画的武器 [ADGBlade] ・带有动画的泡泡糖 ・7个自制TERRA聊天表情 ・可穿脱的服装
▶모델 설명◀
・SDK3.0 ・릴툰 쉐이더 (LilToon shader) ・102,280개의 폴리곤 ・풀 바디 트래킹 지원 ・Physbone v1.1 준비 완료 ・왼손 오른손 외 양손 감정표현 사용가능 ・얼굴 표정을 위해 180개 이상의 쉐이프 키 사용 ・MMD 쉐이프 키와 호환 가능 ・무기 사용 가능 [ADGBlade] ・풍선껌 씹는 모션 탑재 (풍선껌을 타인이 건드리면 터져요!) ・테라의 얼굴이 들어가 있는 7개의 이모지 사용 가능 ・옷 갈아입기 가능
・UnityPackage ・Model FBX ・Texture PNG ・Texture PSD ・blend file (Blender 3.4.1)
・UnityPackage ・モデルFBX ・テクスチャPNG ・改変用テクスチャPSD
・Unity包裹 ・FBX格式模型 ・PNG格式贴图文件 ・PSD格式贴图文件 ・blend 工程文件 (Blender 3.4.1)
▶제작에 쓰인 프로그램◀
・UnityPackage ・Model FBX ・Texture PNG ・Texture PSD ・blend file (Blender 3.4.1)
▶Terms of Use◀
This software is licensed under VN3 license (https://www.vn3.org/). Please read and agree to the following terms and conditions before purchasing. By purchasing this product, you have agreed to the following terms and conditions provided in the link below: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Nh_y_I55p2kXUBvyNHgxoKpX8D7Z9tAT/view?usp=sharing
VN3ライセンス( https://www.vn3.org/ )を使用しています。ご確認、ご同意いただいた上でご利用下さい。 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R3zK6t5gKmtD9gp3qNvVArakEyRVOdwd/view?usp=sharing
此产品受到VN3许可授权 (https://www.vn3.org/). 请在购买前阅读并同意以下条款与条件.通过购买此产品您将同意以下链接中提供的条款与条件: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Vpt41icHkWhz_bU1iTWaH3nqlNkH5PYW/view?usp=sharing
이 소프트웨어는 VN3 라이센스(https://www.vn3.org/) 에 따라 라이센스가 부여됩니다. 구매하기 전에 다음 약관을 읽고 동의해 주시기 바랍니다. 이 제품을 구입하면 아래 링크에 제공된 다음 약관에 동의한 것입니다: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pB6iWI171TmiA1k8Gjb2u8JKiwASGjZ0/view?usp=sharing