【森羅】 Shinra Daily Make up & body texture
- <full set> Shinra Daily Make up & bodyダウンロード商品¥ 400
- <full set> Shinra Daily Make up & body + Your Love♡ダウンロード商品¥ 600

Animation ▶ https://pururu.booth.pm/items/4336531 Animation ▶ https://pururu.booth.pm/items/4356198 Eye texture ▶ https://pururu.booth.pm/items/4727915 ▼ 本規約はVN3ライセンサーを使用しています https://www.vn3.org/ 本約款の既読、未読にかかわらず購入時点で利用規約に同意されたものとさせていただきます。 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qzP_CbdrglKHua_JZ5wnT927jWIa27Ic?usp=drive_link
┏━━━✦ 対応モデル✦━━━┓
┏━━━✦ 内容物 ✦━━━┓
Shinra Daily Make up.PSD Shinra Daily Body.PSD Shinra Daily Make up.CLIP Shinra Daily Body.CLIP
┏━━━✦ 注意事項 ✦━━━┓
♡ 本製品を購入する際に、本約款に同意したものとみなします ♡ 使用にあたってCLIPSTUDIOPAINT·PHOTOSHOPのイメージ編集ソフトウェアが必要です ♡ テクスチャの修正が可能です ♡ public·政治的用途·再配布·再販売·商業利用禁止です ♡ ❌依頼目的に使用しないでください❌ ♡ 本製品を使用して発生したいかなる不利益に対しても製作者は一切の責任を負いません。
┏━━━✦ 주의사항 ✦━━━┓
♡ When purchasing this product, you will be deemed to have agreed to these Terms and conditions. ♡ The image editing software of CLIP STUDIO PAINT·PHOTO SHOP is required for use. ♡ You can modify the texture. ♡ Public · political application · redistribution · resale, and commercial use are not available ♡❌ Please don't use it for commission❌ ♡ The manufacturer shall not be liable for any disadvantages arising from the use of this product.
┏━━━✦ Notice ✦━━━┓
♡ When purchasing this product, you will be deemed to have agreed to these Terms and conditions. ♡ The image editing software of CLIP STUDIO PAINT·PHOTO SHOP is required for use. ♡ You can modify the texture. ♡ Public · political application · redistribution · resale, and commercial use are not available ♡❌ Please don't use it for commission❌ ♡ The manufacturer shall not be liable for any disadvantages arising from the use of this product.