SyncDances 3.1
- Original fileダウンロード商品¥ 500
- Support payment (same files)ダウンロード商品¥ 1,000

"Specially made for mamehinata but can be used on ANY avatar" ADD ME ON DISCORD IF YOU NEED HELP! Discord: Kinimara A prefab that will make all the avatar that have it dance in perfect synchronization, One act as an anthena and the rest as recievers then everyone start dancing at the same time. Inspired on the CuteDancer prefab TOS: Don't! Say you make this, always give credits please. Join all senders and receivers together to increase the range (it will crash the game due to a vrchat bug)
How to install
VRCFury do it for you! Simply drag and drop the file called: SyncDancesPrefab PC (VRCFURY) in your avatar raid and that's it! The 2.0 guide should work. NOT FOR THE ITEMS! SyncDances Remember to download the tutorial file also included with the purchase!!! ADD ME ON DISCORD IF YOU NEED MORE HELP! Discord: Kinimara
Update 3.1
Contact count reduced a LOT: from 114 contacts to only 16! (12 on quest) Due to this, SyncDances 3.0 is NOT!!! COMPATIBLE WITH 2.0!! Audio sources reduced too: From 32 to only 1. Reduced de load on vrc using the new parent constraint system by vrchat. Also scale now DOESN'T messup the syncing! you can dance with you 5m tall friend while you're 1.5m! Added 15 new dances and 8 empty slots for you to add your custom emotes! (TUTORIAL SOON) Items now are on a separated pack to make it work even if your avatar is WD on or WD off. Syncdances is compatible with quest but NOT recommended!. Syncdances is 8MB on quest due to long animations. Highly recommended to use with gogoloco to prevent weird emotes when jumping. 3.1 fixes: Scale contraint was the normal one, now is using the VRC version of it. ContactOFFs and MusicOFF is now a global parameter. Removed audiosource from Quest Prefab. Changed Company dance song.
Update 2.0 VRCFury
You will need VRCFury and VRLabs avatar 3.0 manager in order to install the new prefab. Please use WD ON. All the old bug fixed. Animation Transition inproved a lot. Autoinstalation and items working automatically (you need to ajust them to your avatar!!)
Credits to CuteDancer! It was what give the idea of syncdances the help It needed ti start! Evendora for the sad cat dance. ----------------------------------- THEDAO77 For El bicho, chainsaw, ankha dances Discord: thedao77 ----------------------------------- Thanks a lot jay96 for helping me making 3.0!!! ----------------------------------- If you have made one or more of the animations that the pack uses and wants to get credited here please send me a MSG or talk to me on discord ^^ Discord: Kinimara