【桔梗/Kikyo】Free ear piercing【no listen】
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【桔梗/Kikyo】https://ponderogen.booth.pm/items/3681787 2023/07/11 Ear piercing for kikyo 桔梗ちゃん用 耳ピアス for vrchat lilToon https://booth.pm/ja/items/3087170 Credit: Please refer to this on avatar-closet https://avatar-closet.net/posts/01H52FVH9HS05CTCKX27DA64QX
Thank you so much for 100 followers. For avatar 「Kikyo」: https://ponderogen.booth.pm/items/3681787 drag prefab to hierarchy,put it under "head". You could use any material you want on it. Avatar head, body, and accessories on previews are not included. Please buy them from original creators. If you have any questions about my items, you could ask me in English through booth dm. Terms of Use: × Redistribution and Resale. Do whatever you want,we made it in few mins tbh. I have plans to add supports on avatars below,if I won't be too lazy xd -Selestia -Moe -Grus