Luxuy Colors - Eye Texture for Manuka 「マヌカ」NEW UPDATE!!!!
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Manuka オリジナル3Dモデル「マヌカ」 Manuka 「マヌカ」Eyes Textures - 11 colors + 20 combinations PNG/PSD -Contents: - 11 colors: Violet,Pink, Blue, Yellow, Brown, LightBlue, Purple, Red, Cyan, Gray and Green. + 20 Combinations - 11 colors PSD - 20 combinations PSD (you can do more combinations if you want) ------------------------------------------ UPDATE !!!! - ADDED EMISSION SO YOU CAN MAKE THE EYES SHINE - EYE TEXTURES UPDATED ( i fixed the white circle from the eyes) ----------------- Rules: English: - Please don't Restribution or Re-sale - Modifications Allowed - You can use it public uploadable - MMD Available KR: - 재배포나 재판매를 하지 마세요. - 수정이 허용됨 - 공개 업로드 가능하게 사용할 수 있습니다. - MMD 사용 가능 JP: - 再配布または再販売はしないでください - 変更は許可されています - パブリックアップロード可能で使用できます - MMD利用可能 Thank you and Hope you like it !