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Official site: UTAU Wiki: VB Demos Playlist: Oto by sp1aterz!! (tysm!! 💜) Japanese Quadpitch CVVC Voicebank (D4, F#4, A#4, D5) with extra samples like "L"s, "V"s, and breaths Ends: あ x Vs: ヴぁ, a v ENG L: La, a L Breaths: bre-long, bre-out, bre-short, 息, 息2, 吸 Humming: - ハム音, ハム音 ハム音 x RULES --------------------- *Commercial use of the voice and character are forbidden without permission from MaddyTheHuman *Religious and political representation is strictly forbidden *Sexual use of the voice and character are forbidden without permission from MaddyTheHuman *Use of BONBON to support or condone illegal activities is strictly forbidden *Redistribution of the voice and character are forbidden --------------------- Please respect these terms and enjoy working with BONBON's voice! If you have any questions, contact me on twitter (@MaddyTheHuman505) or on Discord (maddythehuman_)