Kiryuuin Satsuki (blend file)
- Clay Onlyダウンロード商品¥ 2,200
- Full Materialsダウンロード商品¥ 3,100
- Full Package (All Materials & WIP T-pose model)ダウンロード商品¥ 3,600

NOTE: This is a figure model, so it's not optimized for animation. You need to open the unzipped file using Blender version 4.3 or above. Blend file of Eimi. This model features: ■ High-resolution models using bump map and subdivision surface. ■ Combination of baked and painted textures. ■ Cycles materials and compositing nodes. ■ Clay materials (2200JPY) ■ Full Colored materials (3100JPY) ■ All materials (3600JPY) ■ Work in progress T-pose (3600JPY) ■ An armature, but it's only to help me set the pose so it's not weight-painted properly. If you like my works, you can support me and get upcoming models at better prices at Patreon: