"Shen Dhitte" the Meteor Dragon

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    1,800 JPY
"Shen Dhitte" the Meteor Dragon
"Shen Dhitte" the Meteor Dragon
“Shen Dhitte” the Meteor Dragon
Cannot play
1“Shen Dhitte” the Meteor Dragon - Morrigan,Lily,Towatari
2“Alsanna” Little Royal Girl - Rai(Hagall),nayuta,Lily
3Kingdom of The Lywelterie, with "Aurora Arc" - Rai(Hagall),Elise,Lily
4West Al'neian Wars - Morrigan,Lily
5Ancient Contract of Dragons - Chi,Morrigan,Lily,Towatari
6the Reprisal, Wrath of "the Meteor Dragon" - Kyogo Arimura,Morrigan,Lily,Tomori Yukimori,me:
7Lakeside Again, The identity of the death - Morrigan,Lily
8“epilogue” Dear Dragon - Morrigan,Yashiro Kanzuki
