【電子】[Jp/En]ピクセルデイズ3 Pixel days 3 : The day of making copy books
- 329 JPY
[Contains both an English and Japanese edition] pdf, Japanese style monochrome manga 66 pages.
「ぐにょケなら即完売間違いなしだって」謎の男の口車に乗りぐにょケットなる同人誌即売会に向けて新刊を描く犬(キャラ名)。完成! だけどぐにょケの前日…… 「もう印刷所に頼んでも間に合うわけがなかろう」俺好みの電波のじゃロリババア(キャラ名)は言うんだけど何言ってんだ、これから作るんだよ、自分で! コピー機を使って本を作り即売会に持っていくDIYコピー誌製本同人誌即売会まんが。コピー誌製作に実際に役立つ技術も紹介。 果たしてぐにょケで待ち受けるのは犬の夢見た成功、本を欲しがる参加者の押すな押すなの大行列、なのか……? って結果が目に見えている! スーパーファミコン程度の解像度のピクセルアート(ドット絵)で描くなんかへんな日常。pdf形式、本編66頁、同内容の英語版を同梱。
"There's no way thou canst get it printed in time if thou goest to a printing factory now...." What are you talking about? I'll buld them, by myself!!
"In Gnyocket, it's sure to sell out in a heartbeat!" Dog (character name) draw a new manga aiming a doujinshi event called Gunyocket, tempted by a mysterious man. Did it! But it's the day before Gyocket... "There's no way thou canst get it printed in time if thou goest to a printing factory now...." Oregonominodempanojaroribabaa(character name) said. What are you talking about? I'll buld them, by myself!! A DIY copy book-binding manga that makes a book using a copy machine and takes it to a book sale event. It also introduces practical techniques for making copy books. What awaits him at Gunyocket is the success that the dog has dreamed of, and the huge line of participants who want the book...? You know, the results are visible! Weird everyday life in pixel art (dot art) of Super Nintendo-quality resolution. Monochrome manga 66 pages.