epic-monkey【VRC UI Menu】UIメニューDigital100 JPY加入购物车Buy a GiftAbout GiftSimple UI Menu for VRChat, there's an Example Scene in the prefab to display how you'd set it up. If you have any questions feel free to message me Thank you ^w^epic-monkeyVisit FANBOX!3D Props6 Sided Game Dice for VRChat :3epic-monkey100 JPY3D Models (Other)【Baguette Vending Machine for VRChat】with edible Baguettes :3epic-monkey1,300 JPY3D Models (Other)【VRCat Badge】for VRChat :3epic-monkey0 JPY3D Models (Other)【VRChat Gaymers】Certified Gaymer Badge :3epic-monkey0 JPY3D Models (Other)【UDON VRChat Modern Keypad】 with Teleporterepic-monkey500 JPY3D PropsGamersupps waifu shaker cup :3epic-monkey500 JPY3D Environments / WorldComfy Houseepic-monkey800 JPY3D Environments / WorldApartment Roomepic-monkey1,000 JPY~3D Environments / WorldThe Roomepic-monkey800 JPY3D Models (Other)【UDON Keypad】for VRChat with Teleporter >w<epic-monkey500 JPY3D Models (Other)Squid Game Card - イカゲームカード epic-monkey0 JPY3D Models (Other)【Nano Leaf Panels with Hue Shader for VRChat】epic-monkey500 JPY3D Models (Other)【Hot Tub with Steam Particles for VRChat】epic-monkey800 JPYMaterials (Other)Simple Heart Particles epic-monkey0 JPY3D Models (Other)~ Simple Stars ~epic-monkey0 JPY查看更多