Butterfly wings for your Vroid models!
- 0 JPY
Tell me if you've had this problem. You wake up in the middle of the night, in a cold sweat, because you're ready to make a new model or change an existing one and you need wings! But, birds are boring and bat demon wings have been done to death. Also, hair is hard! It is! Anyway, the solution seems obvious. Be a cute little flutterby! But where oh where do you find cute little butterfly wings that are easy to work with and install? The mind boggles. But, see, you're in luck, because the other day, I did this fun little experiment with Vroid Studio to solve this very problem. And I'm posting it here because... well, I love the community, and I want to, okay? So here they are. Cute little butterfly wings! For free, and yours to use however you wish. If you like them, let me know on twitter or insta. Love you, babies