【全8種】À Fanfreluches Bag 【シェイプキーあり】
- You & 1 Friend License (noncommercial)2,350 JPY
All assets made from scratch by Hanaechu. https://discord.gg/n6FgN5hzPE ・By purchasing this product you agree to its license and the rules. Copyright included in the package as well as down below. v ★I will take legal action if the rules are broken. Items included in the package ・Leather Bag ・Heart Tag ( With Physbone ) ・Rigged ・8 Colour variations ・Prefab ・Shapekey for opening and closing the bag. GORE OK. Modifying for private usage is okay. ご質問やご相談、不具合の報告、違反報告の際は For questions, consultations, bug reports, and violation reports: Twitter: @Hanaexotwod data info: 10,260 vertices, 2 materials, 2 mesh Not included in the package: Base model ( Kurumi ) https://hanaechu.booth.pm/items/4557947 Base model ( Selestia ) https://booth.pm/ja/items/4035411 Base model ( Seiren ) https://miragefantasia.booth.pm/items/3932003 Retro Outfit Set: https://booth.pm/ja/items/4814605 Poiyomi Shader ( 7,3 )
What you need:
Poiyomi Shader ( 7,3 )
Terms Of Use
VN3ライセンスを使用しております。 規約の内容は次のページをご覧ください。 We are using VN3 license. Please see the next page for the terms and conditions. ・Scroll down in the PDF for english. https://drive.google.com/file/d/18VSoIdyq0wc0Z9y1q4838XwzbXJMhrp4/view?usp=sharing