Party FX - AudioLink Shader 1.3.1 (シェーダー)
- Digital0 JPY

REQUIRES UDON SHARP V1 OR LATER This requires usage of the creator companion. This is the shader that drives all my AudioLink effects. 1.1 Adjusted Color Defaults for Easier Usage 1.1 Added Demo Material 1.2 Fixed Normals related oversight 1.2.1 Included some missing files 1.2.2 Removed AudioLink remnants from helper shaders. 1.3 Adjusted Defaults for easier use 1.3 Adjusted Sampling States in helper shaders 1.3.1 Updated to resolve errors with AudioLink Package. It has options for a variety of things. - PBR - Emission Effects - Rimlight - Noise Distort - Multiband AudioLink Effects - AudioLink Shake Effects - Audio Bars - Audio Graphs Additionally includes non audiolink utility shaders.
Install VRChat SDK Worlds, UdonSharp and AudioLink using the creator companion. You also need ThryEditor for Material Editor
If you have issues you can write me on discord Tsuna#1184, via my discord server or in VRChat "Cow Tsuna" I hope you enjoy my work!