[VRChat]スカイクレーン Sky Crane & Tarhe
- SkyCrane&Tarhe500 JPY
- 餌やり(Same data)700 JPY
=JP= 重貨物輸送用ヘリコプターSkycraneとTarheをモチーフにしたモデルです。 VR Chatワールドですぐ飛ばせるようにSaccflightが適用されています。 =EN= It is a model with the motif of heavy cargo helicopters Skycrane and Tarhe. Saccflight is applied so that you can fly immediately in VRChat world. =KR= 중화물 수송용 헬리콥터 Skycrane과 Tarhe 를 모티브로 한 모델입니다. VRChat 월드에서 바로 날릴수 있도록 Saccflight가 적용되어있습니다.
SaccFlightAndVehicles: https://github.com/Sacchan-VRC/SaccFlightAndVehicles/releases/tag/1.63 YuxiFlightInstrumentsforSF: https://github.com/Heriyadi235/YuxiFlightInstrumentsforSF VRC用 『メカ弾エフェクト』: https://booth.pm/ko/items/3562410
=Details JP=
1.VRC飛行システムであるSaccflight 1.63に対応するプレファブが含まれています。 2.民間仕様のSkycraneと軍用仕様のTarheをモチーフにした2種類の塗色があります。 3.Daisy Cutterをモチーフにした巨大な爆弾を搭載した軍用仕様バリエーションも存在します。 爆発パーティクルエフェクトは、VRC用 『メカ弾エフェクト』を使用しました。 4.YuxiFlightInstrumentsforSFが搭載されました。 設置しなくても飛行には問題ありませんが、より良い飛行経験のために設置することをお勧めします。 パッケージは同封しておきます。 5。SaccflightのHUDは隠しておきました。
=Details EN=
1.Prefab is included to support the VRC flight system Sacflight 1.63. 2. There are two types of painting with the motif of Skycrane, a civilian specification, and Tarhe, a military specification. 3. There is also a military specification variation with a huge bomb based on Daisy Cutter. VRC用 『メカ弾エフェクト』was used for the explosive particle effect. 4.YuxiFlightInstrumentsforSF is installed. There is no problem flying without installation, but it is recommended to install it for a better flight experience. I'll enclose the package. 5. The HUD of Saccflight is hidden.
=Details KR=
1.VRC 비행시스템인 Saccflight 1.63을 지원하는 프리팹이 포함되어있습니다. 2.민간사양인 Skycrane과 군용사양인 Tarhe를 모티브로하는 두가지 종류의 도색이 있습니다. 3.Daisy Cutter를 모티브로한 거대한 폭탄을 탑재한 군용사양 바리에이션도 존재합니다. 폭발 파티클 이펙트는 VRC用 『メカ弾エフェクト』를 사용하였습니다. 4.YuxiFlightInstrumentsforSF가 탑재되었습니다. 설치하지 않아도 비행하는데는 문제없지만, 더 나은 비행경험을 위하여 설치하는것을 권장합니다. 패키지는 동봉해놓도록 하겠습니다. 5.Saccflight의 HUD는 숨겨 놓았습니다.
Fair Source License, version 0.9 Copyright (C) 2023 5Sori Software: 5Sori_SkyCrane.unitypackage Use Limitation: Single User License Grant. Licensor hereby grants to each recipient of the Software (“you”) a non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free and fully-paid-up license, under all of the Licensor’s copyright and patent rights, to use, copy, distribute, prepare derivative works of, publicly perform and display the Software, subject to the Use Limitation and the conditions set forth below. Use Limitation. The license granted above allows use by up to the number of users per entity set forth above (the “Use Limitation”). For determining the number of users, “you” includes all affiliates, meaning legal entities controlling, controlled by, or under common control with you. If you exceed the Use Limitation, your use is subject to payment of Licensor’s then-current list price for licenses. Conditions. Redistribution in source code or other forms must include a copy of this license document to be provided in a reasonable manner. Any redistribution of the Software is only allowed subject to this license. Trademarks. This license does not grant you any right in the trademarks, service marks, brand names or logos of Licensor. DISCLAIMER. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OR CONDITION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. LICENSORS HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE. Termination. If you violate the terms of this license, your rights will terminate automatically and will not be reinstated without the prior written consent of Licensor. Any such termination will not affect the right of others who may have received copies of the Software from you.