【VRoid Stable Ver】 Maya Fey / Ayasato Mayoi inspired Outfit
- Digital300 JPY

Ace Attorney / Gyakuten Saiban cosplay! Again, a big thank you to PyroWulf13 for letting me do this<3 Disclaimer: All rights for Maya Fey/Mayoi Ayasato belong to Capcom Co., Ltd. I am not affiliated with Capcom Co., Ltd. nor Ace Attorney in any way. These assets are fan made and inspired by the original character.
- Dresses - Neck Accessories - Arm Accessories - Shoes - Hair Extra (for the bow) Files: .vroidcustomitem and a .vroid mannequin wearing all the purchased parts.
**Bow attachment** As the bow is made with hair, external programs are recommended to attach the bow in place to the hips. Here are two options: A) Ringo🍎🍎🍎 script https://ringo.ciao.jp/cont/items/ B) BoneWeightTransfer + Unity https://booth.pm/ja/items/1784758 Outfit can also be worn without the bow if preferred.
Terms and info
Commercial use available. You can modify these files however you want. Do not redistribute. As I only sell digital items, there are no returns nor refunds. If you have any doubt or problem with the files, please contact me. You can use my assets on commissions as long as you only use one per model and you credit me as the creator of the item you are using. Credits are appreciated but not required, but don't claim this as yours https://luk4-info.carrd.co/