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※2018年ごろに作られた非常に古いVRChat用のアバターです。 現在のVRChatでは正しく動かない可能性が高いです。 今のところ更新の予定はありませんのでご注意ください 20/05/01 Ver2.10 以下を実施しました。 ・髪のミラーリングミスの修正 ・髪のウェイト修正 ・不要ファイルの削除 ・改変用メッシュ分割版のUnity Package、 「ukon_sode2.unitypackage」を同封 ====================================================================================== ◆◆アバター向け3Dモデル:狐巫女『右近』Ver.2.10◆◆ デザイン :キツネツキ(@_kitsune_tsuki_) 3Dモデリング:キツネツキ(@_kitsune_tsuki_) 使用ツール :Blender2.79 CLIP STUDIO PAINT PRO Unity2018.4.20f1 シェーダー :ユニティちゃんトゥーンシェーダー(UTS)2.0.5 (http://unity-chan.com/download/releaseNote.php?id=UTS2_0) 襷掛けをしていない右近モデルです。 UnityPackageによる配布の為、FBXファイルとして使用したい場合はUnityにImportしてください。 過去にMMD向けに配布していたPMXモデルとは互換性がありません。ご注意ください。 ====================================================================================== 【配布物】 〇VRChatアバター用セットアップ済UnityPackage ・ukon_sode.unitypackage (Unity2018.4.20f1) ※メッシュ統合モデル ・ukon_sode2.unitypackage (Unity2018.4.20f1) ※改変向けメッシュ分割モデル 〇添付品 ・ukon_Readme.txt …このテキストファイル ・UVLayout …テクスチャのUVレイアウト ・ukon_sample*.png …当アバターのサンプル画像 【説明】 VRChat向け想定の無料アバターであり、Unityでの使用が前提です。 VRChat以外の環境で使用することも可能です。詳しくは利用規約をご参照下さい。 ※アバターの編集方法及びアップロード方法は割愛します。 ==================================== Terms of service (English version) ・ Allowed: 1. Modification of this 3D model for your own personal use. 2. Conversion to another file format such as VRM or MMD model. 3. Upload to services such as Vroid HUB, or VR social networks such as VRChat/NeosVR/ChilloutVR for your own personal use. 4. "Commercial use", meaning you can use this 3D model as a Vtuber avatar or for video production to generate revenue, but you may not sell any part of the 3D model itself in any way. 5. Creative activities using this 3D model and design. 6. Use of this 3D model for a self-published game is permitted, as long as the asset data is encrypted. Businesses must contact The kitsune_tsuki(@_kitsune_tsuki_) for permission before using. 7. Violence and sexual expression are permitted as long as the guidelines of the service environment used allows it. ・ Not Allowed: 1. Under no circumstances may you sell this 3D model, modified or not. 2. Under no circumstances may you redistribute this 3D model, modified or not. 3. Under no circumstances may you re-use or take parts of this 3D model for the creation of other assets that you intend to sell, modified or not (e.g. A "kitbashed" avatar containing any part of this 3D model to be sold through a private Discord server, or on a third party site such as Gumroad). 3a) Adding a disclaimer along the lines of "You're not paying for the model, but for the time I spent to make it" or similar to your product description does NOT exempt you from this. 3b) Crediting and providing a link back to this 3D model's Booth store link in your product description does NOT exempt you from this. 3c) "Commercial use" does NOT mean that you can ignore the above guidelines. 3d) "Permission" to bypass this will NEVER be given under any circumstance. 4. Under no circumstances may you upload this 3D model in any way that it can be accessed publicly. 4a) This includes uploading the model as "public" or placing an avatar pedestal in a world of a VR social network such as VRChat/NeosVR/ChilloutVR (in the case of ChilloutVR, this includes the "private sharing" feature). 4b) This also includes leaving the 3D model data in a state in which it is easy to extract from a self-published game. 4c) This also includes uploading the 3D model data to a service with "public use" permissions, such as Valve's Steam Workshop as a public "playable character" or "npc" mod for a game. 5. Commissions involving this 3D model or any parts from it, where neither the buyer or seller have legally purchased this 3D model from the official Booth store link, are prohibited. 5a) This includes modification commissions (free or paid) where the buyer has NOT purchased the 3D model from the official Booth store link. 5b) The commission seller, if they have not purchased this 3D model, may NOT accept any data of the 3D model from the buyer, or obtain an illegal copy of the 3D model by any means, with the intention to keep it for future commissions or personal use, without purchasing the 3D model from the official Booth store link. 5c) BOTH commission parties (buyer and seller) must have purchased this 3D model from the official store link on Booth before any commissions involving this 3D model (or any parts from it) can take place. 6. Under no circumstances may you falsely declare yourself as the creator of this 3D model, or any parts of it. 6a) That includes embedding a watermark into the 3D model's data (e.g. A commission seller embedding a 3D watermark into the mesh of the head or any other part used of the 3D model). 6b) That includes unauthorized selling of "kitbashed" assets containing any data from this 3D model on sites such as Gumroad and omitting the credit for kitsune_tsuki (regardless of whether it was intentional or not). 6c) That includes using this 3D model or any parts of it for the creation and/or selling of NFT's. 7. You may not use this 3D model for the purpose of slandering a specific individual or group, or engage in political or religious activities. -------------------- ・ The kitsune_tsuki(@_kitsune_tsuki_) will not be held responsible for any damages or inconvenience caused by the misuse of this 3D model. ・ The English version of the Terms of Service has been revised with the help of a native speaker, and reviewed with kitsune_tsuki to ensure its accuracy for the English viewers from overseas.