自宅で包丁で刺されそうになった時の歌(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] The song you sang when you were almost stabbed with a knife at home
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![自宅で包丁で刺されそうになった時の歌(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] The song you sang when you were almost stabbed with a knife at home](https://booth.pximg.net/76486138-5f33-4be0-8f99-7e5e502ae03a/i/5755036/424e6243-708b-4de9-bbbe-dfa289597fa4_base_resized.jpg)
1番のサビは、1:42からです。The main part start at 1:42. ↓English lyrics are listed below. 輝いてる和製ナイフを僕ん家の台所から持って来て こんな事有り得ないっつうの! だけど今現実に刺されようとしている、嗚呼~! あれは中学3年になってすぐの出来事だった 僕の親友が変な奴に付け回されていると言う 奴は学校でも休みの日でも奴がいつも傍で見張って居て 遂には休みの日は家の前で何時間も待っていたんだと…。 君はこの件を僕に相談した その場面も奴はしっかり見ていて 僕にも同じ事をするようになったよ…。 君と僕の両方の親も奴を気持ち悪がっていたよ 僕は君に「もしもあいつが僕が1人の時に家に入り 輝いてる和製ナイフを僕ん家の台所から取って 僕に向けたらどうしよう!?」 (友人)「そんな事有り得ないっつうの! 奴も流石にそこ迄はしない」と言うけど…。 そんな中、休日に事件が起きる 奴が来て、居留守使ってたら 奴がトイレの小窓が開いていたから、そこから侵入して来た! 怖くて自分の部屋に逃げる僕を他所に奴は台所から 包丁を取り出し僕の部屋をこじ開け、包丁を向けながら 「よくも騙したな! 罰として遺書を書け!」と凄い剣幕で 僕に遺書を書かせ、それらを確認した瞬間 僕の部屋の窓を閉めてすぐさま 輝いてる和製ナイフを僕に馬乗りになって突き付けて来た こんな事有り得ないっつうの! 泣いて命乞いをする僕に奴はこう言った 「命乞いをしても無駄だ、俺はお前の事を 殺すと決めたからもう諦めろ!」と…。 奴が一瞬油断した隙に僕は全力で 僕は裸足で家を飛び出して 近くのコンビニに入ろうとしたら奴に腕を掴まれた! 奴は包丁を持ってなかったよ そりゃそうだ 街中で包丁を持って人を追いかけていたら 逮捕されるよ、中学生であっても…。 パニクる僕を優しく宥めながら 「冗談でやったんだから気にすんな」と言ったけど、僕は…。 輝いてる和製ナイフを向けられた事を 偶然通り掛かった人にこの事を伝えたりすると 「こいつは頭おかしいから気にしないで下さい」 と言ってその人を上手く言いくるめた…。 「輝いてる和製ナイフを向けた事はもう忘れろ」 とお前は言うけど、忘れられる筈無いっつうの! 「この事を警察に言ったらお前も捕まるぞ」と言って来た こんな苦し紛れの嘘をつくなんて相当必死だな…。 「安心しろ、遺書は処分しといたから」 証拠隠滅する様子に呆れて 僕はこの事を先生と親に伝えたら 奴に怒りを露わにしてた…。 説明文:私が中学3年になってすぐに、私の友人が「ある同級生にストーカーされている」という悩みを打ち明けられました。それを目撃したそいつは、今度は私にも同じ事をするようになり、終いには私の家に勝手に入り、台所から包丁を持って来て私に向けて来ました。この時の恐怖をこの歌に込めてみました。ちなみに、その約1年半後に、今度は妹から些細なきっかけで刃物を向けられ、その事を父に話したら逆に私が怒られました。この事もいずれ歌にしてリリースしようと想っております。ちなみに奴は私が逮捕される際の罪状名は「居留守罪」だそうです。後、私が裸足で部屋着だった為、偶然通り掛かった人も第一印象で私がおかしい人で奴がまともな人、と見えてしまったんだと思います…。後、母の友人が来て帰る迄ずっと奴は外で待機してました。それを見て母の友人も奴を気持ち悪がってました…。 I brought a shiny Japanese knife from my kitchen. This is impossible! But now I’m about to get stabbed in real life. It was right after the ninth grade. My best friend was being followed by a strange guy. He told me that he was always watching him at school and on his days off, and finally, on his days off, he waited for hours in front of his house… You talked to me about this. He was watching me closely and started to do the same thing to me…. Both your parents and mine were disgusted by him. I said to you, “What if he comes into the house when I’m alone and takes a shiny Japanese knife from the kitchen and points it at me? That’s impossible! My friend says, “That’s impossible! Then, on a holiday, an incident occurs. He came over, and while I was using the answering machine, he saw the small window in the bathroom was open, so he broke in through it! I was so scared that I ran away to my room, but he took a kitchen knife from the kitchen, opened my room, pointed it at me, and said, “How dare you cheat me! As punishment, you must write a suicide note! He made me write a suicide note with a fierce sword, and as soon as he confirmed it, he closed the window of my room and immediately leaned on me with a shiny Japanese knife and thrust it at me! This is impossible! I cried and begged for my life. I have decided to kill you, so give it up already! And he said to me, “It’s no use begging for your life, I’ve decided to kill you. I ran out of the house with my bare feet and tried to enter a nearby convenience store, but he grabbed me by the arm! He didn’t have a knife. That’s right, if you were chasing someone with a knife in the street, you would be arrested, even if you were a junior high school student…. He gently quieted my panic and said, “I was just joking, don’t worry about it,” but I…. I told someone who happened to be passing by about the shiny Japanese knife being pointed at me and told him “this guy is crazy, so don’t worry about it”…and I successfully told him off… You say, “Forget about pointing the shiny Japanese knife at me,” but there is no way I can forget about it! If you tell this to the police, you’ll be arrested too,” he said… He must be very desperate to tell such a painful lie… Don’t worry, I’ve destroyed the suicide note,” he said. Disgusted by the way he was destroying the evidence, I told this to my teacher and parents, who were all furious with him…. Description: Shortly after I entered the third grade of junior high school, a friend of mine confided in me that he was being stalked by a certain classmate. After witnessing this, he began to do the same to me. Eventually, he entered my house without permission, brought a kitchen knife from the kitchen, and pointed it at me. I put the horror of that time into this song. Incidentally, about a year and a half later, my sister pointed a knife at me for a trivial reason, and when I told my father about it, he was furious with me. I am thinking of writing a song about this as well and releasing it. By the way, he said that the name of the charge against me when I was arrested was “the crime of absence from home. I was barefoot and wearing loungewear, so people who happened to pass by must have had a first impression that I was crazy and he was a decent person…. He stayed outside until my mother’s friend came and left. My mother’s friend also felt uncomfortable seeing him….