「君の言う通りだね」が口癖の友人(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] A friend who always says, “You're right.”
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![「君の言う通りだね」が口癖の友人(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] A friend who always says, “You're right.”](https://booth.pximg.net/76486138-5f33-4be0-8f99-7e5e502ae03a/i/5823828/99a0d444-569c-4d16-97b5-d424198d03dc_base_resized.jpg)
1番のサビは、2:24からです。The main part start at 2:24. ↓English lyrics are listed below. 「君の言う通りだね」って口癖の友達が居るよ 彼は「高島」君と言って、 「柳田」君が何かを言う度にいつもすぐ 「君の言う通りだね」って彼に同調して来るんだよ 彼には自分の意思無いのかな?、といつも思うが 彼がそれで良いなら良いんだけれども…。 僕ん家はあるコミュニティーに所属して 「そこが主催するイベントに行け!」と両親から 言われたんだけどゲストと 内容を聞いて参加しようと思う その頃丁度プロの歌手目指していたから ステージで生バンドをやり、更に 芸能人も来ると言うから参加した、けれど…。 「折角だから柳田君、高島君も誘いなさい」 と母に言われたけど僕は 彼等を誘いたくない理由がある 実は柳田君はヤンキーで他人の痛みに 目を背けては暴言吐く人で、 高島君は柳田君に同調してるだけの人で…。 うちのコミュニティーは活動体験を 発表するコーナーがあるんだが、 それ聞いた柳田君が悪口言いそうで それに対し同意を求めて来るのが たまらなく苦痛なんだけどきっと 高島君は柳田君がどんな事を言ったとしても 「君の言う通りだね」って同調するの解ってるよ だけど母が「誘え!」と言うから仕方無く誘うが コミュニティー内でまで 「君の言う通りだね」って言葉は聞きたくないんだよ…。 だけど僕にそんな権利は無いからしょうが無く 今だけは言う通りにしよう…。 そんなこんなで来た当日、僕らは先輩会員さんに 車で会場まで送って貰い、先輩と会場に入ったよ 早速芸能人が司会進行してトークで華を咲かせながら お目当てだった生バンドの パフォーマンスを楽しんだ後に 一般会員の活動体験語るコーナーが来たよ 彼は何をやっても不器用で何処へ行っても いじめられ、そんな中このコミュニティーに出会い 変われた事を語ってる時、柳田君が 「●ねよ、おめえみてな役立たずは!」 それを横で聞いてた高島君は 「君の言う通りだね」ってやはり同調していたんだ 柳田君は更に「こいつ●んだ方が世の中の為になるのに」 「君の言う通りだね」って彼も笑いながら同調してる…。 折角の良い話が台無しだよ…。 もう彼等は誘いたくないけど この親と居る以上、今回のようなイベントが ある度に誰かを誘うように言われ続けるのは 嫌だからこの町を出よう! 最後は皆が楽しみにしていたゲストのタレントの 活動体験の発表コーナーで、彼等が 客席にコール&レスポンスを求めると 柳田、高島が周りより明らかに大声出していた 僕が止めたら柳田が「うるせえ、邪魔すんな!」 と言ったらすかさず高島は 「君の言う通りだね」ってお決まりの台詞を言って来た…。 高島に聞いてみた。「柳田君がもし『●ね』と言って来たら 君は彼の言う通りにするの?」と聞くと 「そうするよ、彼が望むなら」と聞いた瞬間に僕は 「何よ、やっぱり人形じゃない!」と思ったけれど…。 「君の言う通りだね」って言う奴がもう1人居て 他人の失敗には厳しいけど、柳田と自分が失敗した時は 「君の言う通りだね」って柳田が言い訳した時に同調するんだ 高島と同じように、僕の時は絶対言わないよ…。 あと彼はこんな言葉を連呼する人だったよ…。 以前彼にこう言った。 「柳田は僕が風邪引いた時に愚痴こぼしに来て それが原因で悪化したんだぞ!」 そう言うと彼が「それ位お前許してやれよ、柳田さんだぞ!」 「僕が手に入れたライブチケットを言葉巧みにかっぱらったんだぞ!」 そう言うと彼が「それ位お前許してやれよ、柳田さんだぞ!」 「以前バスケした時に不良と一緒に僕の事いじめたんだぞ!」 そう言うと彼が「それ位お前許してやれよ、柳田さんだぞ!」 「妹にあだ名とタメ口聞かれ、それを僕に八つ当たりしたんだぞ!」 そう言うと彼が「それ位お前許してやれよ、柳田さんだぞ!」 といつもそう言って来たんだ…。 説明文:私の家族はあるコミュニティーに所属しているのですが、私が19歳の時の12月に、そこが主催するイベントに両親から 「参加して来い!」と言われて参加した時、友人2人との温度差にショックを受けた時の事を歌にしました。ちなみに、作中の「柳田」「高島」は架空の人物で、実在する人物等とは一切関係ありません。実は作中の2人の他に友人がもう1人居るのですが、彼も柳田君のイエスマンみたいな人です。私がこれ迄「君の言う通りだね」と同調して貰った事は1度もありません。同調する事は数え切れない程ありますが…。 I have a friend who is always saying, “You're right.” He calls himself “Takashima” and every time “Yanagida” says something, I always agree with him, “You're right. I always wonder if he has no will of his own. I always wonder if he has no will of his own, but if he is okay with that, then fine.... My family belongs to a community, and my parents told me, “Go to the events they organize! I was told by my parents to go to an event they were hosting, and after hearing about the guests and what they had to offer, I decided to attend. I was aiming to become a professional singer at the time, so I decided to attend the event because they said there would be a live band on stage and entertainers would be there. My mother told me to invite Yanagida-kun and Takashima-kun, but I had my own reasons for not wanting to invite them. Yanagita is a yankee, a man who talks out of turn and turns a blind eye to other people's pain, and Takashima is a man who just agrees with Yanagita.... This community has a corner where people present their experiences of activities, and it's so painful when Yanagida-kun hears them, and he seems to say bad things about them, and then he asks me to agree with him... I know that Takashima-kun will agree with whatever Yanagida-kun says, saying “You're right. But my mother says, “Ask him out! I don't want to hear “you're right” in the community... but I don't have the right. But I don't have the right to do that, so for now I'll do as she says.... On the day of the event, we were driven to the venue by a senior member and entered the venue with him. After enjoying a live band performance, which we had been looking forward to, a general member came to talk about his experience in the activities of the club. The person was clumsy in everything he did and was bullied everywhere he went. When he was talking about how he found this community and was able to change, Mr. Yanagida said, “Die, you worthless person! He was listening to this and said, “Die, you useless bastard! Takashima-kun, who was listening beside me, agreed with him, saying, “You're right. Yanagida said, “It would be better for the world if he were dead,” to which he added, “You're right,” and he laughed and agreed with him, ruining a good conversation.... I don't want to invite them anymore, but as long as I live with these parents, I don't want to keep being asked to invite someone every time there is an event like this one, so let's leave this town! At the end of the event, everyone was looking forward to the presentation of the guests' activities. Takashima immediately said the usual line, “You're right,” so I asked Takashima, “If Yanagida-kun is ‘dead,’ why don't you call him ‘dead’? I asked him, “If Yanagida-kun told you to ‘die,’ would you do what he said? He said, “I will, if he wants me to,” and I thought to myself, “What a puppet! I thought to myself, “What the hell, he's not a doll! There was another guy who would say, “You're right,” and he was harsh on other people's failures, but when Yanagida and I failed, he would agree with me when Yanagida made excuses, just like he did with Takashima. He never says that when it's me.... Later, he was the one who would call out words like this... I once said to him. Yanagida came to complain when I had a cold, and it made it worse!” He said, “You'll have to forgive him for that, he's Mr. Yanagida! “You took away my tickets to the concert that I got!” And he said, “You've got to let him off the hook for that, Mr. Yanagida!” You bullied me with a punk when I used to play basketball with him!” And he says, “You've got to let him off the hook for that, Mr. Yanagida!” Yanagida took it out on me when my sister called me nicknames and called me boys, even though I was older than her! And he would always say, “You've got to let him get away with that, it's Mr. Yanagida!” And he would always say, “You're Mr. Yanagida, you can forgive him that much!