山野 桂は私のFatherと同い年!?(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] Katsura Yamano is the same age as my Father!?
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![山野 桂は私のFatherと同い年!?(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] Katsura Yamano is the same age as my Father!?](https://booth.pximg.net/76486138-5f33-4be0-8f99-7e5e502ae03a/i/5802979/d8639891-e87c-4202-b7d2-7fdbd777344c_base_resized.jpg)
1番のサビは、1:41からです。The main part start at 1:41. ↓English lyrics are listed below. 山野 桂は私のFatherは私のFatherと同い年なんて本当に驚きだ(Wow!) って音楽仲間の妹にビックリされて 山野 桂より私のMotherの方が若いって寝耳に水だった(嘘~!) 僕はいつか彼女達といつか和解をしたいと思ってるが 彼等はそう思っていないみたい…。 僕には音楽仲間が居るんだけど 彼の動画にいつもコメントしてる人が居るよ この人について尋ねたら彼はこう言った 実は彼女は僕の妹で僕の重要なファン第1号 桂は2号だよ、お酒2合飲むよ! こんなに良いファンが出来たんだから、君ともいつか飲みたいよ! そう言えばこの間僕と妹で日本へ行った時に Photo Shotした時の画像を送られた それを見たら彼はイケメンだった(畜生!) 彼女は中々の美人さんで僕は速攻彼女の動画観て 即、褒めてはアドバイスも して したら彼女が返事をくれた「貴方が山野 桂さんね?、 兄が好きなアニメ好きになったそうで、僕の好きなアニメも 好きになってよ?」と言って来たんだよ…。 更には「私の年齢18歳、貴方の年齢は何歳?」 って聞かれ仕方無く答えると、彼女はこう言った 「山野 桂は私のFatherと同い年なんて本当に驚きだ(Wow!) 若い人達に混じって頑張る。『マジ!?』って言って更には 山野 桂より私のMotherの方が若いって青天の霹靂」(嘘~!)と言うが 貴女のFatherといつか和解をしてこう言いたい 「お宅の娘さんを是非私に下さい」と…。 僕は彼女の好きなアニメも観ようと思う、負担が2倍になっちゃったが 僕は彼女が喜びそうな感想を言った、心、無味乾燥…。 だけどその甲斐もあり彼女も私の歌聴いて感想を 毎回言うようになってくれた これで濃いファンが2人になった! けれど気のせいか、他のファンのコメント明らかに減った…。 そりゃそうなるよ、僕の曲と関係無いコメントで溢れ返る…。 しかも君の動画のリンク、貼り付けて来たよ、ドン引く…。 夕飯のおかずにコンビーフを味わってると 「山野 桂は私のFatherと同い年なんて超ビックリしたよ(Wow!) でも貴方の好きなアニメから何となくそんな気がした」って言われたけど 君らはHazard 興味が無い話聞いてて辟易だ!(ホント…。) って言いたいのをグッ!、と堪えるよ、君と一発ヤル迄は(何を?) そんな中、彼女の動画で黒い子犬の動画を観てて 癒される一方で黒い考え浮かんだよ…。 貴女は可愛いワンちゃんに自分のバナナを舐めさせている 貴女は可愛い、ワンチャン、嗚呼~! 私のバナナを舐めさせたいけれど、どうすれば実現するのかな? 彼女は「クラフトで生活が出来るようになりたい!」と言った 僕はデジタルハウスに関しては素人だから分かんないが そんな中、彼女は僕に「アドバイスを下さい」と言って来た 「自分で考えろ!」と言うのを堪え、僕が使う筈のアイディアを 彼女に教えたらこう言った…。 「山野 桂さん、貴方はFatherのような方だから私を養って! そうすれば私クラフト、お兄ちゃんは音楽のみ出来る。そうなったら 私のFatherに掛け合ってあげるから頑張ってよ!」と言われたが この兄妹に付き合ってたら時間が幾らあっても足りないと そう思ってしまった僕は、直感的に 君らはHazard とても無理だった、仲良くし続けるのは…。 他のファンを無下にしてまで彼等のご機嫌取りたくないんだよ! 私のハザードランプ5回もピカッ!、と光ったよ ア・ブ・ナ・イ・ヨ、のサイン。ドキッ!、としたと同時に あの名曲が(迷曲?[78曲目]が)出来たよ! それをアップしたら彼等がショックを受けてしまった 「しまった!」と思っても遅かった、色んな意味で…。 だけど僕は彼等が新作出す度に、毎回チェックしてるんだよ 彼等がファンと仲良くする輪に、僕はもう入れない…。 そう言えば彼女も毎回こう言って来た 「是非このアニメも観て下さい」と 生贄少女と獣の暴君 お前らだ、獣の暴君は! 私の心のヤバイ人達 お前らだヤバイ人達はよぉ! お菓子作りが感動的なアニメ 砂糖と林檎の妖精さん達 子供作りが感動的なアクメ 僕には貴女が妖精さんだし リアルに面白いデンジャラス兄弟 リアルに居るじゃん?、デンジャラス兄妹がここに…。 My sister, who is a fellow musician, surprised me by saying that it is really amazing that Katsura Yamano is the same age as my Father (Wow!)…. I was surprised that my Mother is younger than Katsura Yamano, no kidding? I hope to reconcile with them someday, but they don’t seem to think so…. I have a musician friend who is always commenting on his videos. I asked him about this person and he said She’s actually my sister and my number one most important fan, Katsura is number two, I’ll have two drinks, I’ve got such good fans, I’d love to have a drink with you sometime! By the way, when my sister and I went to Japan the other day, she sent me a picture of a photo shot she did of him, and he was handsome (damn it!). She’s a pretty girl and I immediately watched her video and immediately complimented her and gave her some advice, to which she replied You must be Katsura Yamano? She told me that she liked my brother’s favorite anime now, so why don’t you like my favorite anime too? She said, “You must be Katsura Yamano. He also asked me, “My age is 18, how old are you? I had no choice but to answer, and she said I was really surprised that Katsura Yamano is the same age as my father (Wow!). She is really doing well among the young people. And then she added, “I’m surprised that my mother is younger than Katsura Yamano. I can’t believe it! I would like to reconcile with your Father someday and say, “Please give me your daughter…. I would also watch her favorite anime, doubling my burden, but I gave her feedback that I thought she would enjoy, my heart was tasteless…. But it was worth it, she started to listen to my songs and comment on them every time she heard them. Now we have two strong fans! But maybe it’s my imagination, but the comments from other fans have obviously decreased…. But maybe it’s just my imagination, but the comments from other fans are noticeably decreasing…….. And they even posted a link to your video… I can’t help it…. I was tasting corned beef for dinner, and he said, “I’m so surprised that Katsura Yamano is the same age as my father (Wow!). But I somehow got that impression from your favorite anime”…. You guys are Hazard, I’m really fed up with listening to you guys talk about things I’m not interested in…. I want to say “I’m not interested in Hazard…” but I’ll hold it in…. I’m going to hold it in until I have sex with you…(what?) I was watching her video of a black puppy, and while it soothed me, a black thought came to my mind…. You’re letting that cute puppy lick your banana. You are cute, one chance, aha! I want her to lick my banana, but how can I make it happen? She said, “I want to be able to live on the craft! I’m an amateur when it comes to digital houses. I don’t know, I’m an amateur when it comes to digital houses. Then she asked me for advice. I said, “You’re on your own!” I told her the idea I was going to use, and she said… “Katsura Yamano, you’re a Father. I told her the idea I was going to use and she said… “Katsura Yamano, you are like a father to me, so feed me! Then I can concentrate on my craft and my brother can concentrate on his music. If that happens, I will talk to my Father, so please do your best! But I knew intuitively that I had too much time on my hands if I had to spend with this brother and sister, and I knew that you guys were Hazard. I don’t want to put them in a bad mood by disrespecting their other fans! My hazard lights flashed 5 times! and they flashed! A sign of danger. Boom! And then, at the same time, that famous song (stray song? I uploaded it and they were shocked! I uploaded it and they were shocked. I thought, “Oh no! But it was too late, in many ways… But I check every time they release a new album. I can’t be a part of their circle of fans anymore…. Come to think of it, she also always asks me to watch this anime too… Sacrificial Girl and the Tyrant of the Beast You guys, the tyrant of the beast! You are the tyrants of the beast! An anime about making candy that moves me. Sugar and apple fairies.