小さくない宮殿の庭に実る果実と稲の穂が好き♡(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] I love the fruits and ears of rice that grow in the garden of the not-so-small palace♡
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![小さくない宮殿の庭に実る果実と稲の穂が好き♡(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] I love the fruits and ears of rice that grow in the garden of the not-so-small palace♡](https://booth.pximg.net/76486138-5f33-4be0-8f99-7e5e502ae03a/i/5823791/e2a9b383-1985-4d46-95aa-458f03f0be43_base_resized.jpg)
1番のサビは、1:26からです。The main part start at 1:26. ↓English lyrics are listed below. 人として 小さな僕は親元の 宮城でお世話に成りながら 果実食べつつ稲の 穂を刈り取りながら 地元出る準備をしてるさなかに 君と出会った…。 僕はあるアイドルソシャゲの あるキャラが超気になって今やってる アイドルアニメを観始めた どうコメントされるか気になり 予想通り他のキャラより 明らかにコメント多かった 何故か知らないが…。 いつも通りにそのキャラを 追い続けていたんだ、第3話までは…。 第4話をいつもの感じで観ていたら 今日は別のアイドル達の回で何となく観ていたら 彼女らが頑張るその姿に 次第に心を鷲掴みにされてしまった 特にセンターの少女にハートを鷲掴みにされ すっかり推し変した僕は そのキャラがとっても気になって 改めて最初から観たよ 主要キャラん中では陽キャで幼キャ という事に気付いたんだよ ロリコンと思われても良いよ 僕は彼女のファンになるよ! 他のキャラも魅力的なんだけど彼女は最高! 決して 小さくないその 宮殿(※1)の庭に実る 果実と稲の 穂のような彼女らが力合わせて 問題解決する為に 小さなお友達を 宮殿(※2)で悲しませない! 果実、稲 穂を摘み取らない為に頑張る その姿勢が彼等に伝わって来たよ、僕にも…。 次の日、彼女がどんなウタ 歌っているのかとっても気になって 公式の販売サイトで 彼女が歌ってる曲調べた 給付金が出たらCDを買おうと思う フィギュアは流石に高いし もし買っちゃうと破綻しそうで 怖いよ、色んな意味で…。 ネット上のある知り合いに この事伝えたらこう言った 「ソシャゲを始めてそのキャラに 課金すれば良い」と言うけれど そのお金と時間、ファンの為に 使たいからやめとくよ…。 それにソシャゲとか1度ハマったら 大変そう、色んな意味で…。 小さな収入も無い僕は 宮城で燻り夕飯は 果物と稲 穂を精米所で 搗いてきた米でご飯炊いて 小さな活動の作曲も 宮殿(※1)に招待して頂き 刈り取ったばっかりの 果実 穂を好きなくらい食う スキーム(構想)がある、僕は! だけど高校生の頃に 「剣客物のアニメに出て来る 忍者の少女が好きだ!」 と言ったらその彼は 「やーい、変態、ロリコン、スケベ! この事バラされたくなけりゃ あのCDを貸してよ?、と。楽しみだ~!」 と言われて貸したけど 結局そいつ注目されたくてこの事を 皆にバラしやがったんだ! そう言えば高校生の時、 部活が始まる直前に僕はある部員に 「(B)と(X)というアニメを好き」 と言ったら、そいつが 「何そいづ?、気持ち悪りいなー! あっちさ行ぐべし皆でやー!」と 僕を村八分にして来たよ もし彼の前で「このアニメが好き」 と言ったらきっとあん時以上に いじめられるだろう…。 人として 小さな奴等は僕の事を 宮城県民と認めない 果物の皮投げ付けて来て槍の 穂先で突き刺して来る 小さな怪我では済まないな 宮城を早く出た方が良い 果物、稲の 穂を蓄えて出よう!、と想いながら あのアニメを観ていたら 規模がまだ 小さな5人の美少女達が 宮殿(※2)内で戦ってるよ Pも悪役に成り切って 皆を元気付ける為に 小さくない想いが宮殿(※2)内に 広まってったよ、大成功! この回が入っているBlue-rayを いつか買うよ!、その為にも 音楽で食べて行く為にも 一生懸命頑張るぞ! 時には彼女達を眺めながら…。 最年長で筋トレ好きの お嬢様キャラな彼女も好きだが チョコが大好き、運動が苦手 小柄なロリっ娘、彼女も良いな~! 大和撫子、少女漫画好き 無口なロボっ娘、彼女も良いな~! 元バスケ部で居場所を失くした まるで僕のような彼女も良いな~! という事をギター弾きながら君に言うと 「ここ見いや、カポちゃんとして~!」 と言われたんだ…。 説明文:実は私、あるアイドルアニメキャラが色々な意味で気になり、そのキャラがどんな風にコメントされるのか知りたくてそのアニメを見始めたのですが、ある別のキャラがとても魅力的でそのキャラに推し変しました。その時の気持ちをこの歌に込めました。 ちなみに、(※1):言葉通り宮殿。(※2):ショッピングモール、という意味です。 I met you while I was preparing to leave my hometown, eating fruits and reaping ears of rice while being taken care of by my parents in Miyagi, Japan.... I was super curious about a certain character in an Idol social game, so I started watching an Idol anime that was airing right now because I was curious to see what people would comment on.... As expected, there were obviously more comments than other characters, I don't know why... I kept following that character as usual, until episode 3... I watched the 4th episode with my usual feeling... Today it was about different idols and I watched it somehow, and gradually I was gripped by the way these girls were trying their best. I was particularly taken by the girl in the center, and having become a fan of her, I became curious about her character and watched the show again from the beginning. I was so intrigued by her character that I watched the show again from the beginning. I noticed that she was the most cheerful of the main characters and a little girl. I don't care if you think I have a Lolita complex! I'll be her fan! The other characters are charming, but she is the best! Like the fruits and ears of rice that grow in the garden of that not-too-small palace, she and her friends join forces to solve problems and not make their little friends sad in the palace! I could feel their attitude that they are doing their best not to pluck the fruits and ears of rice, I could feel it too... The next day I was very curious about what song she was singing and looked up the song she was singing on the official sales website. When I get my benefits, I'm going to buy the CD. Figurines are expensive as rocks and I'm afraid if I buy them I'll go bankrupt, in many ways... I told this to one of my acquaintances on the Internet and she said. I'm not going to do it because I want to use the money and time for my fans.... Besides, once you get hooked on social games, it seems like a lot of work, in more ways than one.... I have no small income, so I'm smoking in Miyagi, cooking rice for dinner with fruits and rice pounded from rice mills.... I have a vision that someday I will be invited to the palace and eat as much as I want of the freshly harvested fruits and ears! But when I was in high school, I said, "I like the ninja girl in the anime about the swordsman! He said, "Yay, pervert, pedophile, lecher! If you don't want me to tell everyone about this, can I borrow that CD? I'm looking forward to it!" So I lent him the CD, and he ended up telling everyone about it, just to get attention! I remember in high school, right before club activities started, I told a club member that I liked the anime "B" and "X", and he said, "What's that about? That's disgusting! Let's all go over there! He excluded me from his group.... If I said "I like this idol anime" in front of him, he would probably bully me even more than he did then.... The little people don't even recognize me as a Miyagi resident. They would throw fruit peels at me and pierce me with the tip of their spears.... You should leave Miyagi as soon as possible, because you will not get a small injury.... Fruits, let's store up ears of rice and get out of here! I was watching that anime with the thought, "I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but there are five beautiful girls who are still small in scale fighting inside the palace. P also became a villain to cheer everyone up, and his not-so-small thoughts spread throughout the palace... a great success! I'll buy the Blue-ray with this story on it someday! I'm going to work hard to make a living from music for that! Sometimes I look at these girls.... I like her, the oldest and the character of a young lady who loves muscle training, but I also like her, a petite Lolita girl who loves chocolate and is not good at exercise! Japanese Lady, likes Girl's Comic, quiet, robotic girl, she's good too! She is a former basketball player who lost her place. She's just like me! I told you this while playing the guitar and you said, "Look here, put your capo on properly! I was told, "Look here, put your capo on properly..."..