他校の敷地内でバイクで轢かれそうになった時の歌(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] A song about almost getting run over by a motorcycle on another school’s property
- ¥ 100
1番のサビは、1:37からです。The main part start at 1:37. ↓English lyrics are listed below. 「アタッカー、殺せ!、殺せ!、ヅラ男なんか轢き殺しちゃえ!」 って頭おかしい奴等にそういう目に遭わされたよ バカッター共に「殺せ!」と言われ狼狽える僕を見て笑ってる 昔、そんな奴等と一緒の部活だったけれど…。 あれは高校2年になってすぐの事だった 他校との練習試合に行った時の事だったよ 出掛ける前にこう想ってしまったよ 心も顔も蛸みたいな奴等に今日はどんな目に 遭わされてしまうんだろう、もう既に胃が痛い…。 そして到着したよ、他校の敷地内に。 早速僕をある先輩Aが呼び出してこう言って来たよ 「お前、俺ん家の前を通るなよ、家が腐るだろうが!」 と言った。「じゃあ貴方の家を教えて下さい、 通らないようにしますから」と 言ったら彼が「嫌だ!」と言い出したよ…。 「じゃあどうやって先輩ん家を知れば良いか教えて下さい」 と言ったら彼が「うるせえ、自分で考えろ!」と言ってすぐ 別の先輩Bが来て、僕を呼んで羽交い絞めにしながらこう言う…。 「アタッカー、殺せ!、殺せ!、ヅラ男なんか轢き殺しちゃえ!」 ってバイクに乗ってる先輩Cに言うと彼が来て 「分かった、殺す!、殺す!、ヅラ男の事轢き殺してやる!」 と言って僕に向かってバイクで突っ込んで来たんだよ スピードを出しながら…。 バイクで轢かれそうになる僕をみて笑う奴等と 「我関せず…。」って言う奴等でごった返す中で 先輩Cが僕の手前で急停止したよ 先輩Bが「何でやめるの?」って聞くと 先輩Cが「だってこいつを轢いたらバイクが腐っちまう!」 ルサンチマンが込み上げる僕を他所に先輩Bが 「そんなもんヅラ男に弁償させりゃ良いのに」と言うと先輩Cが 「弁償すんのはヅラ男の親、証拠隠しても『怪しい、おや?』 って警察に調べられて捕まりたくねえ、こんなの殺して」 「アタッカー、殺せ!、殺せ!、ヅラ男なんか轢き殺しちゃえ! 殺したって未成年だから死刑になんないのに」と言うと先輩Cが 「うるせえ!、あまり騒ぐとヅラ男の事轢き殺してやるぞ!」 と僕に言って来たよ。僕は一言も喋ってないんだが…。 そんな中、他校のある先輩がさっきの僕らを見てて 優しい言葉を掛けて下さったよ、その先輩とは昔同じ地区に住んでいて 「お前も色々大変だけど、負けんなよ!」と言って下さった そのお陰で僕はその日を何とか乗り切れたんだ! 心身共に疲労困憊で家路を辿る僕に、 更なる悲劇が襲い掛かる3人組男子、 タートルネックを着てる嫌いな顔見知りに声掛けられ いきなり僕のネック(首)を掴み今日の出来事を 無理矢理言わされ「バスケ部のボトルネックだぞ、お前!」 って言いながら僕に蹴り入れて来たんだ…。 「アタッカー、殺せ!、殺せ!、ヅラ男なんか轢き殺しちゃえ!」 ってされた事やさっきの事をバイクを見る度に カッターのように僕に、想い出してしまう度に 心が傷付いてしまうのかな? って考えてると更にその3年後に 「アタッカー、殺せ!、殺せ!、ヅラ男なんか轢き殺しちゃえ!」 って別の元バスケ部員が車に乗りながら僕に 「アタッカー、殺せ!、殺せ!、ヅラ男なんか轢き殺しちゃえ!」 って昔と変わらぬ精神年齢で又同じ事を繰り返してる…。 そんな僕を見てオリキャラ達が 「良かった、殺されずに済んで…。」と僕に言ってくれたよ…。 今度はファンに言って貰えるように絶対になろう、僕達と共に! 先輩、僕にどうしてこんな事するんですか? 「おもせえ(面白い)からだ、文句あっか!?」 僕の身体を見てこう言った 「おもせえ(面白い)体、ホントだっさ!」 僕が喋ると何故怒鳴るんですか? 「うるせえからだ、文句あっか!?」って 基本皆僕にこんな感じで玩具扱いにされる日々…。 どういう訳か?、たまに先輩がプロレス技のブレーンバスターを 「何故僕に掛けるんですか?」と聞くと 「おもせえ(面白い)からだ、文句あっか!?」 (それしか言えないのかお前らは、こいつら皆ホント馬鹿…。) もしかして人としてまともなのは僕だけなのかな? それとも僕が居るだけで彼等が狂気に駆られるのかな…。 Attacker, Kill! Kill him! Kill that guy with the wig!” And that’s what the crazies did to me. Kill!” by a bunch of idiots. They laugh at me when I get upset…. I used to be in a club with those guys. It was right after my sophomore year of high school. It was when we went to a practice game against another school. Before we went out, I thought to myself I was already sick to my stomach, wondering what I was going to face today from these octopus-like people…. And then we arrived, on the grounds of another school. One of the older students, A, immediately called me over and said, “You, don’t walk past my house, it’ll rot! He said, “Then tell me where you live. I said, “Tell me where you live and I’ll make sure I don’t pass by. I said, “Then how can you tell me where you live? I said, “Then tell me how I can find your house,” and he said, “Shut up and think for yourself! and then another senior B came and called me and strangled me with his wings and said…. He called me over and strangled me and said, “Attacker, kill him! Kill him! Run over the guy with the wig and kill him! I say to senior C on the bike, and he comes and says, “Okay, kill him! I’ll kill him! I’ll kill him! I’ll run over the guy with the wig! He came towards me on his bike, speeding up…. I was in the middle of a crowd of people laughing at me almost getting run over by a motorcyclist and saying, “I don’t give a damn…” I was in the middle of a crowd of people laughing at the sight of me about to get run over by a motorcycle, and one of them said “I don’t care…”, when senior C stopped suddenly in front of me. Senior B asked, “Why did you stop? Senior C said, “Because if I run over this guy, my bike will rot! I was so lousy. I was filled with a sense of guilt, but Senior B said, “Why don’t you just make the guy with the wig pay for it? I don’t want to get caught by the police, even if I hide the evidence. “Attacker, kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Run over the guy with the wig! Even if you kill him, you won’t get the death penalty because he’s a minor,” said senior C. “Shut up! If you make too much noise, I’ll run over the guy with the wig and kill him! I didn’t say a word. I didn’t say a word. He used to live in the same neighborhood as me and said, “I know you’re going through a lot, but don’t lose! I was exhausted, both physically and mentally, and I was on my way home from school. As I was walking home, exhausted both physically and mentally, another tragedy struck me: a three-man gang of boys, all wearing turtlenecks, accosted me by a familiar face I didn’t like, suddenly grabbed me by the neck and forced me to tell him what had happened today, saying, “You’re the bottleneck of the basketball team! He kicked me in the neck and said, “You’re the bottleneck of the basketball team! Kill the attacker! Kill him! Run over that guy with the wig!” I wondered if I would remember what he said to me and what I had done earlier every time I saw the bike, and if my heart would get hurt like a cutter. And then, three years later, “Attacker, kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Run over the guy with the wig!” Another ex-basketball player said to me as he got into his car, “Kill the attacker! Kill him! Kill him! Run over the guy with the wig! He is repeating the same thing again with the same mentality as before…. My original characters were saying to me in my head, “Thank God you didn’t get killed…” I’ll never let my fans say that to me this time. I’m going to make sure that my fans can say that to me this time, together with us! Why are you doing this to me, senior? Because it’s funny, what’s wrong with you? He looked at my body and said, “You have a funny body, you look really lame!” Why do you yell at me when I talk? “Because you’re so loud, what’s your problem? Basically, every day they treat me like a toy like this… Why? Sometimes, when a senior would ask me why I was doing the brainbuster, a wrestling move, I would reply, “Because it’s funny, I’m not complaining. I would ask him, “Because it’s funny.