「腰をぐりんぐりん回しながら歌え!」と宣う妹…。(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] "Sing while gyrating your hips!" my sister declares.
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![「腰をぐりんぐりん回しながら歌え!」と宣う妹…。(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] "Sing while gyrating your hips!" my sister declares.](https://booth.pximg.net/76486138-5f33-4be0-8f99-7e5e502ae03a/i/5910911/f4287e2b-7d32-4962-a899-706e0e6b85d9_base_resized.jpg)
1番のサビは、0:59からです。The main part start at 0:59. ↓English lyrics are listed below. 腰をぐりんぐりん、ぐりんぐりん回しながら歌う歌があった。 腰をぐりんぐりん、ぐりんぐりん回しながら妹に昔、 歌わされた事がある、最悪だ…。 僕が19歳の頃に腰を回して歌う曲流行ってて 妹がその曲に超ハマって父と僕に 「その振り付けをやってよ」と宣った…。 父が用事で出掛ける直前に 妹が突然こう言い出す。「お父さん、 あの曲、腰回しながら歌って」とか宣い出した。 父が「今急いでいるから後にしてくれ」と妹が 「えーっ、今やってよ」としつこく言って来て 父は「しょうがないな~…。」と 腰をぐりんぐりん、ぐりんぐりん回して、あのウタ歌う父に 妹「凄い凄ーい、面白い!」と言って すぐに父は出掛けた 「腰をぐりんぐりん、ぐりんぐりん回して」なんて言う妹と 腰をぐりんぐりん、ぐりんぐりん回してる父を見て 母が呆れ顔していたよ、僕も…。 父が腰を回しながら歌ったその数日後に妹が 何を思ってか?、僕に迄「あの曲を腰回しながら 歌ってよ」と宣って来たんだよ。僕は断ったが妹が 「をだってんな、早くやれ!」と脅して来るから 「しょうがないな~…。」と 腰をぐりんぐりん、ぐりんぐりん回して、あのウタ歌う僕に 妹「凄い凄ーい、面白い!。これでお父さんとお揃いだね」 僕がぐりんぐりんしている傍で父が今の話を聞いて 腰をぐりんぐりん、ぐりんぐりん回して踊った事を後悔しながら 「何で俺がこいつなんかとお揃いにならなきゃいけねえんだ!」 と怒鳴りながら殴って来るけれど「やる相手間違えているでしょ?」 と言うと「何、他人のせいにしてっけ、をだづなよ!」と 更に怒りを買う。妹も一緒になって責めて来る始末。 この家では僕は何もしなくても悪者にされてしまうのか!? その曲が音楽番組の過去のヒット曲特集で 取り上げられる度に今回の事を想い出して 嫌な気持ちになってしまってる 何とかしたいけど、どうすれば…。 腰をぐりんぐりん、ぐりんぐりん回して、あのウタ歌う僕に こめかみぐりんぐりん、ぐりんぐりんと父にやられてるトコを 頭ん中ぐりんぐりん、ぐりんぐりん巡るよ。想い出す度に…。 ever green。freeな生き方をしたいよ! その為に僕は抜本改革をすると決めたんだ! 「腰をぐりんぐりん、ぐりんぐりん回せ!」と自分がいじめてる子に 腰をぐりんぐりん、ぐりんぐりんやらせて仲間と笑ってる…。 「ウケる、凄い凄ーい、面白い!」と言ってるお前の顔がウケる 腰をぐりんぐりん、ぐりんぐりんする彼氏と ズッコン!、バッコン!、とし合ってるんだよ…。 その一方で僕はever green、 freeな生き方をする為、日夜頑張っている 腰をぐりんぐりん妹からさせられる人がこれ以上増えませんように…。 踊る阿呆に見る阿呆、どうせ同じ阿呆なら踊らにゃ損々! と言う言葉をたまに聞くけどあの時は僕が最も損々! この歌とても良い曲なんだけどあいつらのせいでとっても損なSongに しない為にこの経験を想い出しながら僕はSong創作して世に出すよ! 説明文:私が19歳の頃に腰をぐりんぐりん回しながら歌う曲が流行っておりまして、 その曲に妹が凄くハマっていた時期がありました。 妹がその曲を先ずは父に踊りながら歌わせ、それを見ていた私と母が呆れてました…。 翌日妹が何を思ってか?、私に迄それを強要して来ました。 仕方なくやった私を見て妹は「これでお父さんとお揃いだね」と言って来ました。 それを聞いた父が「何で俺がこんな奴とお揃いにならなきゃいけないんだ!」 と怒鳴りながら私に暴力と暴言を浴びせて来ました。 妹も父に便乗しながら私に暴力と暴言を浴びせて来ました。 その時の悔しさをこの歌に込めました。 There was a song that I used to sing to my sister while gyrating my hips, gyrating my hips. My sister used to make me sing a song while gyrating my hips, the worst.... When I was 19 years old, there was a popular song where people sang while gyrating their hips, and my younger sister got really into it and told my father and me to do the choreography. Just before my father left for an errand, my sister suddenly announced, "Dad, sing that song while spinning your hips. When my father said, "We're in a hurry right now, so please do it later," my sister insisted, "Oh no, do it now," to which my father replied, "I can't help it.... My sister said, "That's great, that's so funny! My sister said, "That's great, that's funny! My mother looked at my sister, who said, "Rotate your hips, rotate your hips, rotate your hips, rotate your hips, rotate your hips," and at my father, who was singing that song, and my mother looked at me with dismay, too. A few days after my father sang while gyrating his hips, my sister asked me, "What did you think? A few days after my father sang that song, my sister even asked me to sing that song while spinning my hips. I refused, but my sister threatened me, saying, "Don't be silly, just do it! I said, "I can't help it~..." and started gyrating my hips. I sang that song, and my sister said, "That's great, that's so funny! Now you and dad are the same," she said. While I was doing the gyrating, gyrating, gyrating, my father heard what I was saying and regretted doing the gyrating, gyrating, gyrating, gyrating, dancing. He yelled at me and hit me, but I told him, "You're playing with the wrong guy, aren't you? I said, "Why are you blaming someone else? He would get even angrier, and my sister would join him in blaming me. In this house, I don't even have to do anything to be made to look bad! Every time that song is featured in a music program's special on past hits, I am reminded of this time and feel bad, I want to do something about it, but I don't know what to do.... I want to do something about it, but I don't know what to do... Every time I think of the scene in my head where my father comes to me singing that song with his hips gyrating, gyrating, gyrating at my temples, I go round and round, gyrating, gyrating, gyrating... Ever green. I want to live a free life! I want to live a free life! For that I have decided to make a drastic change! "Turn your hips around, turn your hips around, turn your hips around! My sister is laughing with her friends when she makes a kid who bullies her at school do hip-jerk, hip-jerk, hip-jerk... "Funny, great, great, funny! Your face says, "That's funny, that's great, that's great, that's funny!" You look funny when you say that. I'm having sex with my boyfriend, who's making my hips gyrate, gyrate, gyrate... On the other hand, I'm working hard day and night to live an ever green, free life. I hope there will be no more people who are forced to have their hips gyrated by my sister.... I sometimes hear the saying, "If you are an idiot who dances, you are an idiot who sees. I sometimes hear people say, "I'm the one who is losing the most! This song is a very good song, but in order not to make it a very bad song because of them, I will remember this experience and create a song and put it out into the world! Description: When I was 19 years old, there was a song that was very popular that was sung while gyrating my waist, and my younger sister was really into that song. She made my father dance and sing the song first, and my mother and I watched in amazement.... The next day, my sister, wondering what I was thinking? The next day, my sister, wondering what I was thinking, even forced me to do it. I had no choice but to do it, and my sister said, "Now you and my father are the same, aren't you? When my father heard this, he yelled at me, "Why do I have to be with this guy? He yelled at me and started to verbally abuse me. My sister joined my father in his verbal abuse of me. I put my frustration at that time into this song.