100円SHOPで働いていた時の悲劇(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] Tragedy when I worked at a JPY 100 SHOP.
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![100円SHOPで働いていた時の悲劇(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] Tragedy when I worked at a JPY 100 SHOP.](https://booth.pximg.net/76486138-5f33-4be0-8f99-7e5e502ae03a/i/5949522/313cd7be-6601-4ad8-9069-203986913059_base_resized.jpg)
1番のサビは、1:19からです。The main part start at 1:19. ↓English lyrics are listed below. 100SHOPに以前から憧れて、実際入社して働いてみたらなんと 「うわっ!、半グレ?、ショック…。」と思える人ばっかりで その現実に僕はがっかりだったよ、客もスタッフも…。 僕は昔100円SHOPに勤めていた。 人生2度目の職場だったけどそこでも 酷い目に遭わされて来た、色々…。 その職場はスタートアップで覚えの悪い僕にとっては 茨の道になると解っても「やる!」と決めて努力し続けたが 「何をやっても駄目な子だ!」と笑われては いつも怒鳴られて来たんだ 仕事が出来る同期に馬鹿にされながら 100SHOPってこういう所なの? それともここだけが特殊なの? うわっ!、半グレ?、ショック受けるような人が スタッフだったなんて…。と想いながら働いていた昔の僕 僕が居たその100円SHOPに来る客も嫌な奴ばかり…。 その中には顔見知りも居て嫌がらせをいつもして来た…。 彼等も超暇だな…。買う気無いならこんな事してないで 大事な人の為に時間使えば良いのに、も~!。 「100SHOPの商品だからしゃあ無え」 とかケチ付ける客やクレーマーも居る 「うわっ!、半グレ?、ショック…。」と思うような客も居たけれど 僕の場合それプラス学生時代の顔見知りからの 妨害が主なストレスだった…。 更にスタッフから怒られ、嫌われて、 段々居づらくなり辞めてしまったよ…。 そりゃ確かに仕事が出来ない僕が悪いけど 努力しても出来ないならどうすれば良いんだろうか? 入社後すぐ、閉店準備の時にどう動いて良いか解らない僕に 業を煮やして首の根っこ掴みながら僕を 旗のトコ迄引っ張ってった、傍迷惑だ! うわっ!、半グレ?、ショックと思えるような顔で 怒鳴りながらそうした、客の前で…。 100SHOPで買い物する度、 ここでの出来事を想い出すのかな?、嫌だなあ、だけど…。 うわっ!、半グレ?、スモーキングタイム(タバコ休憩)を取ってるよ、 タイムカードを切らずに…。僕が注意したら 「うわっ!、半グレ?、ショック…。」のような態度を取って来るし 誰も注意しないなんて、終わってるよ…。 100SHOPの仕事、僕には合わなかったの解って良かったよ! 「うわっ!、半グレ?、ショック…。」と思うような態度を取ってるそうだ、 僕が辞めた後も、客にもスタッフにも…。 その100円SHOPにはこんな事を言うおばちゃんと 一緒にそこに勤めていたんだ (おばちゃん)「仕事が他人より出来ねえ奴に発言権なんか一切無えぞ!」 (私)「じゃあもしそいつが犯罪やっても仕事出来れば何しても良いの?」 (おばちゃん)「当だりめだべ!、結果出せる人は何をやっても許されるんだぞ!」 と言ったからか?、客足がちょっとずつ遠退いて行ったよ…。 説明文:私実は19歳から20歳に掛けて、某100円SHOPに約8カ月間勤めておりました、 以前から働いてみたい!、という想いも相まって…。 ところが実際働いてみると、私が想っていた以上に酷い職場でした、色んな意味で…。 そこで当時、妹が高校中退直後で荒れてた事も重なり、 色々辛かった時の事を、この歌に込めました。 ちなみに当時、妹は夜中にウーファーを垂れ流しながら長電話をしており、 それを両親共々注意出来ない有様で、今もその状況が続いております…。 そのお店のスタッフで特に酷い人を3名ピックアップすると、 仕事が出来れば何をやっても許されると思ってるおばちゃん、 学生気分が抜け切れてない私と同い年の男性2名 私に嫌な仕事を押し付けて来て、 尚且つ私が客として来ても無視する年上の女性、以上(異常)です…。 I had long been attracted to the JPY 100 SHOP, and when I actually joined the company and started working there, I was surprised to find myself saying, “Oh, my God! Mafia? Shocking.... I was disappointed with the reality, both to the customers and the staff.... I used to work at a JPY 100 SHOP. It was the second time in my life that I worked there, but I had been treated badly there too.... It was a start-up, and I knew it was going to be a thorny road for me because of my poor memory, but I decided “I'll do it! I kept trying, but the manager would laugh at me and say, “You're a bad girl no matter what you do! I was always laughed at and yelled at by the manager, while my peers who could do the job made fun of me. Is this what a JPY 100 SHOP is like? Or is this the only place like this? “Oh my God! Mafia? I can't believe there were people on staff who shocked me.... I used to work there. The customers who came to the JPY 100 SHOP where I worked were all jerks.... I knew some of them and they always harassed me.... They are super bored too.... If they don't want to buy something, why don't they spend their time on their loved ones instead of doing this? There are customers and complainers who say things like, “It's a JPY 100 SHOP product. “Oh, no! Mafia? I'm shocked...” But in my case, the main stress was the interference from people I knew from my school days.... I was also angry and disliked by the staff, and it became harder and harder for me to stay there, so I quit.... It was certainly my fault for not being able to do my job, but if I couldn't do it even if I tried, what could I do? Soon after I joined the company, I was getting ready to close the store when another employee got fed up with me and grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and dragged me to the flag. I was like, “Oh my God! Mafia? I'm shocked...” He did so in front of the customers, yelling at me with a face that made me think “Oh my god, mafia? I wonder if I'll remember what happened here every time I go shopping at the JPY 100 SHOP? I don't like it, but.... But... They are taking smoking time, not cutting time card, just like mafia.... When I warned him, he said, “Oh my God! I'm shocked...” They are acting like mafia and no one pays attention to them... it's over.... I'm glad to know that the JPY 100 SHOP job wasn't for me! I'm glad to know that the JPY 100 SHOP job wasn't for me! Mafia? I'm shocked...” I heard that even after I quit, they are still behaving like this to customers and staff alike.... I used to work there with an auntie who said this to me (Old lady) "Someone who is worse at their job than others has no say at all!" (Me) "So even if that person commits a crime, as long as they can do their job, does that mean they can do whatever they want?" (Old lady) "Of course! People who can produce results can get away with anything!" Maybe because I said that, the customers started to stay away little by little... Description: I actually worked at a certain JPY 100 SHOP for about 8 months between the ages of 19 and 20. I had always wanted to work there. However, when I actually started working there, I found that it was a much worse place to work than I had expected, in many ways.... I wrote this song about my sister, who had just dropped out of high school and was going through a rough time, and how difficult it was for her. I picked out 3 staff members who were particularly bad, 1. A lady who thinks she is allowed to do whatever she wants as long as she can do her job, 2. 2 men of the same age as me who still feel like a student. 3. They forced me to do work that I didn't want to do, 3, an older woman who pushes me to do work I don't like and ignores me when I come as a customer, That's all...