「音楽を辞めろ!」と父に言われた時の歌…。(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] The song when my father told me to "Quit Music!"...
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![「音楽を辞めろ!」と父に言われた時の歌…。(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] The song when my father told me to "Quit Music!"...](https://booth.pximg.net/76486138-5f33-4be0-8f99-7e5e502ae03a/i/5868532/c49a9832-b22a-410b-9521-0d55eeab0ae7_base_resized.jpg)
1番のサビは、1:24からです。The main part start at 1:24. ↓English lyrics are listed below. 「辞めでげろ(辞めてくれ、という意味)、音楽なんか!」 「辞めて、ゲロ吐いちゃう程気持ち悪いんだよ!」 と昔父に言われてから負けない気持ちで 頑張って来たけど、気付いたら 30(歳)手前になっていた…。 僕は29歳の頃に近所の原種作るセンターで 働いていたが余りにも仕事が出来ずに嫌われて 2ヶ月でクビになった事を親に報告した時 今後の事を話し合いをするその中で 父と母は僕に提案をして来た、けれど…。 父が僕に勧めるの製造業、目指すは当然正社員 「安定した給料を得てそろそろ俺らを楽させろ」 そんな中、母はこう言った。 「あんたは優しいから介護士とかはどうか?」 と聞かれはしたものの、 無理だ!あんな過酷な仕事を僕は!。 そう言えば昔上司からも 「お前は真面目だから才能がある」 とか的外れな事を言われたのを想い出したよ その言葉を信じて努力したけど全然駄目だった…。 他人より出来た音楽の話をすると父が嫌そうに 「ひゃあ~、辞めでげろ、音楽なんか! をだづなよ(ふざけんな、という意味)、 まだやってんのか、充分やったべ?」 と言いながら僕を罵って暴力振るう父に 「辞めでげろ、虐待なんか!。辞めて、 ゲロ吐いちゃうから殴られる度に!」 と何度想ったろう?、それを言って 更に怒りを買って殴られる僕…。 そう言えば妹も昔、音楽をやっていた。 パートはベーシスト、奴は昔からレイシスト 僕を「無価値だ!」と言う始末…。 そんな気分で僕は十姉妹 飛び去って行く姿眺めては 切ない気持ちになる僕を他所に リアルが充実してる妹は 矢面に立つようなキャラじゃない 内閣なら幹事長辺りを虎視眈々狙う奴だから ボーカル絶対やんないよ 父さんもそういう人だから妹と相性最高だ 私とは相性最悪なんだよ、そんな妹には 「辞めでげろ、音楽なんか!」と妹には 1回も言った事無い父は…。 僕よりも恵まれてるのに何故努力しないの? 「辞めてくれよ、妹甘やかすの!」 「やってみろ」と言ってベース買ってあげた 妹にはここまでするのに 僕には「辞めろ!」って言う始末…。 そう言えば妹は9歳の誕プレで 電子キーボードを買って貰えていた けれども僕の中3の誕プレは 和英辞典を掴まされた 「うわっ!、え~っ?」って感じで騙された 「もうええ!」って気持ちにさせられた 「おえっ!」ってなるよ、今想い出しても だから僕は「萌え~!」なキャラ見て気持ち紛らわす! 僕はこの原種苗センターに勤める前日迄の3カ月間 筋トレしてた事を事務局長に面接で言ったら 事務局長が「あれから筋トレやってるか?」と 毎回私に聞いて来る 「ここで働き始めてから全然やってないです」 と言った時、事務局長が 「1回決めたら結果が出る迄はやんなきゃ駄目だ!」 と毎回言われてそれも苦痛だった…。 「辞めでげろ、このセンターを」 と事務局長に言われた事を両親に 報告したら残念そうな顔をされてしまったが 「『辞めでげろ』と言われたこの現実をちゃんと 受け止めて次に活かして行くしか無いよな…。」 と言われた流れで音楽の話をしたら 「ひゃあ~、辞めでげろ、音楽なんか!」 って私から音楽を取り上げるのは 父さんから口の上手さを取り上げるのと同じだ 「『辞めでげろ、音楽なんか!』と妹に何で言わないの?」 と聞くと父は「他人と比べるのは愚かだぞ、 昨日の自分と比べろ!」とか意味不明…。 「辞めでげろ、音楽なんか!」と言われるから 父にはもう音楽の話はしない!、と決めた。 だって嫌な気持ちにしかならないから…。 僕が段々ヒートアップしてそれ見た母が「一呼吸置け!」 僕の話を遮るように母が又言う「一呼吸置け!」 同じ台詞を何度も言うから腹立ってつい「鰓呼吸をせえ?」 と言ったら父が激怒して「をだってるとお前の 呼吸を止めるぞ!」と言われたんだよ…。 説明文:私が30歳になる少し前に、某原種苗センターを約2ヶ月で解雇された事を両親に報告し、 今後どうするかを家族会議する中で、私が音楽の話をした途端、 父がわざとらしくオーバーリアクションしながら私が音楽活動する事を大反対して来ました。 その時の事を歌にしました。 ちなみに、妹が9歳の誕生日プレゼントに買って貰った電子キーボードは約2万円で、 しかもピアノの音楽教室にも通わせて貰ってましたが、妹は約3カ月で辞めました。 対する私の15歳の誕生日プレゼントは和英辞典で、約2000円でした…。 "Quit the music! It makes me sick to the point of vomiting! I was 29 years old when I started working at a seed center in my neighborhood. When I was 29 years old, I was working at a local seed production center, but I was so bad at my job that my parents hated me and fired me after only about two months. My father recommended that I work in the manufacturing industry, and that of course I should aim for a full-time job, and that it was time for me to earn a stable salary and start making things easier for us. My mother asked me if I wanted to become a caregiver, since I was so kind. But I couldn't do it! It was such a tough job! I remembered that my boss had once told me that I had talent because I was so serious, but I believed him and tried my best, but it didn't work out.... When I talked about music, which I could do better than others, my father would say in disgust, "Oh no, quit it, music! You're still doing it, haven't you done enough? He cursed at me and attacked me. I puke every time he hits me!" How many times have I thought to myself, "Quit it, you're abusing me! And then he would get even angrier and beat me up more.... Come to think of it, my sister used to play music too. Part bassist, she was always a racist and called me "worthless! I was in such a mood. I was in such a mood that I watched the ten sisters fly away and felt sad, but my sister, who has a full life, is not the kind of character who would stand in the front line. If she were in the cabinet, she'd be a guy with an eagle eye on the secretary-general's position, so she'd never be vocal about it. My father is like that, so he's great with my sister and terrible with me. He has never once said to my sister, "Quit music! She's better off than me, why don't you try? You're spoiling her!" My father bought her a bass guitar and told her to "give it a try". He goes to such lengths with my sister, but to me he says, "Quit! He would go so far for my sister, but for me, he would say, "Quit! My sister got an electronic keyboard for her 9th birthday. But for my 15th birthday, she got me a Japanese-English dictionary. I was like, "Wow! What? I was like, "Oh my God! "Oh, no!" I was like, "Oh, my God! "Oh, no!" I remember it now.... That's why I'd look at the "moe~! I would distract myself by looking at the "moe" characters! When I told the director-general at the interview that I had been doing strength training for three months until the day before I started working at this seedling center, the director-general would always ask me, "Have you been doing strength training since then? He would ask me every time, "Have you been doing any strength training since then? When I told him that I had not done any strength training since I started working here, he would say, "Once you decide, you have to do it until you get results! That was also painful.... When I told my parents that the director told me to "quit this center," they looked disappointed. I told my parents that I was told by the director that I had to quit the center, and they looked at me with disappointment. When I told him about music, he said, "Oh my God, quit music! Taking music away from me is the same as taking away my father's ability to talk! Why don't you just say to your sister, "'Quit the music! Why don't you just tell your sister, "Quit music! And my father replied, "It's stupid to compare yourself to others, you should compare yourself to yesterday!" He said something unintelligible.... He would say, "Quit music!" I decided not to talk to my father about music anymore, because I didn't like it. I decided not to talk to my father about music anymore, because it just made me feel bad.... I was getting more and more heated, and my mother saw it and said, "Take a breath! She interrupted me and said, "Take a breath! She kept saying the same thing over and over again, which made me angry. My father was furious and said, "I'll stop you from breathing!" He was furious and said, "I'm going to stop you from breathing!