「女子高生に手を出すな!」と言われた時の歌(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] A Songs when people say "Don't have sex with high school girls!"
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![「女子高生に手を出すな!」と言われた時の歌(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] A Songs when people say "Don't have sex with high school girls!"](https://booth.pximg.net/76486138-5f33-4be0-8f99-7e5e502ae03a/i/5821374/c642a895-43b5-4877-af05-0ba99cee2736_base_resized.jpg)
1番のサビは、1:43からです。The main part start at 1:43. ↓English lyrics are listed below. 「早くしろ!、ドアを開けろ!、いいから黙って部屋に入れろ!」 こんな事をいきなり言って来る 僕は戸惑いに苛まれ狂う…。 アポ無しで、アホ丸出しで面倒臭い事この上無いが 親の命令だし止むを得ない そんな彼に振り回される日々が始まってしまった…。 「僕は音楽で食べて行きたい!」と想い 上京する為にお金を100万貯め いざ上京する為、親に報告したら 親から「良いけど条件2つある。 1つ目は期限は5年以内、2つ目はうちも所属してる 某コミュニティーに協力する事が絶対条件だ!」と…。 両親はそのコミュニティーの埼玉支部に早速連絡付けました 僕は戸惑いながらも渋々に条件を飲んで上京した アパートを借りて両親に住所を教えた次の日に 某コミュニティーの埼玉支部の担当者が早速来たんだよ 「山野 桂君さあ、何で新狭山に来たの?」って聞かれ 当初は都内の23区に住もうとしたら不動産屋が 「貴方の予算では無理だから」と 都心から離れたここ勧められた事を正直に話すと 彼が「何やってんだよ?、そんなんじゃ やってけねえぞ、気張ってけて!」と 僕にそう言ったすぐ後に 「何か随分イカ臭えな」僕は貴方を威嚇せな! 「何だお前、シコってたのか?、 あーっはっはっはっはっはっはっはっ、若いなあ! 桂君、先ずは手ェ洗えよ。シコった直後の手じゃ 汚ねえからさ、ちゃんと石鹸も使えよ」と…。 僕は言われた通りに手を洗う、アポ無しで来た彼は突然 アポカリプティックなこのコミュニティーが どれだけ凄いか語り出した 暫く語ってAさんが何を思ってか?、こう切り出す 「桂君さっきシコってた時に、どんなおかずを使ってたか 早く教えろ!」と言い出した。仕方無くベッドの真下から さっき使ったおかずを教えたよ。「その作品の内容は 主人公が出会い系サイトで女子高生と出会い お金を支払って色々やる、というお話です」と言ったら彼が A「いきり立って、珍宝立って(コラw)女子高生に手出すなよお前! 捕まっちゃうから、本当に」と言って来た 桂「それじゃ女子高生に僕がまるで手出すかのような 口振りで言うけれど、僕も常識は備えています!」と言うと A「本当か?、何かやりそうだな。お前、女好きそうだし マジで勘弁してくれよ。もしそんな事したらご両親とっても悲しむぞ。 後、このコミュニティーの顔に泥を塗る事にもなるぞ」と…。 桂「だったら放っといて下さい!」と言ったら A「君のご両親に言うぞ!、と。それが嫌なら参加しろ!」 と言われ仕方無く了承した…。 後日Aさんがやって来て、俺TUEEE的な振る舞いで 僕を集会所へ連れ出しては色々雑用押し付けて来た 雑用どんどん増えて来て、内容どんどんムズくなり 彼等に付いていけなくなり、居留守使ったら Bさんだったからと思って開けたら Aさんも居たからドア閉めようとしたら…。 Bさんが「桂待って!、僕ら立っての頼みだから話を聞いて!」 僕が居留守を使った理由を言ったらAさんがすかさず A「桂、お前は歌手になれない。何とかして楽な方へ 行こうとしてるのが透けて見えた。鍛えてあげてるの 何で解んないかな~…。」 それを聞いた僕は追い返した 僕は仕事が決まって収入入って、生活出来るようになった。 けれど夢からは遠退いている…。僕は何やってるんだろう? 暫く経って彼等が来て「謝りたい」と言って来た。 僕も実は謝りたい、と思ってたから先ずは謝り合った。 彼等の誠実な態度と、ご飯奢ってくれた事が アダマンタイトよりも固い僕の意思動かしてしまったよ…。 A「君も僕に謝りたい事があるなら言ってよ、1、2、3、ハイ! 僕へのお詫びNo.1。それは、僕が来た時拒否反応で 『嫌です、本当に!』と言いながら僕らを追い返した事。 続いて、僕へのお詫びNo.2。それは?」 桂「雑用係を辞めたいです」 A「あーっはっはっはっはっはっ!、面白い冗談言うなあ君は」 あっ!?、これ辞めさせる気は無いな、際どいなあ…。 説明文:私実は、20代前半の頃に音楽家になる為に上京しました。そこで色々あって埼玉県の新狭山に住む事になり、作中のAさん達と知り合いました。その時の事を歌にしました。 Come on! Open the door! Just shut up and let me in!" I was suddenly told to do this, and I went crazy with confusion.... He is a fool without an appointment, a total idiot, and a pain in the ass, but it's my parents' order, so I can't stop him... I was being pushed around by him.... I want to make a living with music! I saved up one million yen to move to Tokyo, and when I reported to my parents, they told me, "Okay, but there are two conditions: first, you have to do it within five years, and second, you have to cooperate with a certain community that we are a part of. He said to me.... My parents immediately contacted the Saitama branch of the community. I was puzzled, but reluctantly accepted the condition and moved to Tokyo. The day after I rented an apartment and gave my parents my address, the person in charge of the Saitama branch of a certain community came to me immediately. Mr. A asked me, "Katsura Yamano, why did you come to Sinsayama? When I honestly told him that I had originally planned to live in the 23 wards of Tokyo, but the real estate agent recommended this place away from the city center, saying, "It's out of your budget," he replied, "What are you doing? You can't make it like that. He said to me right after that, "You smell like a bunch of squid. I have to intimidate you! What are you, masturbating? You are so young! Katsura, wash your hands first. You should use soap first, because your hands are dirty right after masturbating. I washed my hands as he told me to, and suddenly he started talking about how great this apocalyptic community was. After talking for a while, I wondered what Mr. A was thinking, and he said, "Katsura, when you were masturbating earlier, tell me what kind of woman you were thinking about! I had no choice. I had no choice but to show him the adult comic book I was looking at from under the bed. The story is that the main character meets a high school girl on a dating site and pays her to do various things," I told him. You'll really get arrested! He said, "Well, then, I'm going to have sex with a high school girl. I said, "You make it sound like I'm going to have sex with a high school girl, but I have common sense too! I said, "Really? You seem to like women. You seem to like women, so give me a break. If you do that, your parents will be very sad. And you'll be a disgrace to this community. I said, "Then leave me alone! I said, "Then leave it alone!" and Mr. A said, "I will tell your parents. I had no choice but to agree. Later, Mr. A came and took me out to the meeting place and forced me to do various chores. I couldn't keep up with them any longer, and when I used the answering machine, I found that it was Mr. B. I opened the door and Mr. A was there, too, and when I tried to close the door.... I was about to close the door when Mr. B said, "Katsura, wait! We're asking you to stand up and listen to us! I had no choice but to let him in. I had no choice but to let him in, and when I told him why I had used the answering machine, Mr. A immediately said, "Katsura, you can't be a singer. I could see that you were trying to take the easy way out. We are training you, so why can't you understand? Hearing this, I turned them away! I got a job, got paid, and was able to make a living. But my dream is far away.... What am I doing? After a while, they came to me and said, "I want to apologize. I wanted to apologize too, so we apologized to each other first. Their sincere attitude and the fact that they bought me dinner moved my will, which was stiffer than adamantite.... Mr. A said to me, "If you have something you want to apologize to me too, just tell me. 1, 2, 3, Hi! That was my No. 1 apology, which I rejected when I came in and turned us away, saying, "No, I really don't want to! I really don't want to!" when I came over. And then, apology number two, what was that?" He said, "What's that? I said, "I want to quit as a scullery maid," to which Mr. A replied, "Ah-ha-ha-ha! You tell funny jokes!" He said to me, "You tell funny jokes! I said, "I'm not going to let you quit this. I thought to myself, "I'm not going to let him quit.