頭下げ下げ!(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] Bowing Down!
- ¥ 100
1番のサビは、1:28からです。The main part start at 1:28. ↓English lyrics are listed below. お前、本当に良いのか?(頭下げ下げ) 退職すんのか?、はい(頭下げ下げ) もう本気だな…。(頭下げ下げ) こんな感じで 僕は昔、会社を辞めた事がある…。 僕はこの会社に入ってすぐに、音楽にハマったんだよ 「いつか音楽で食べて行きたい!」と常に想っていた 特に他人より出来ず落ち込んだり ミスして怒られた時とか、色んな歌に励まされた 「僕もそういう歌を届けたいんだ!」 と強く想っちゃった…。 車と自動車学校の借金を返してお金も貯まったし 上司に上手に言う方法を想い付いたから言いに行くよ 辞表を出そうとする直前、緊張して来た 「もし引き止められたら…。」と悩むけど実際は あっさり承諾されました…。(世知辛い) 係長は僕の事なんか「掛かり切りになる程暇じゃない」と 言いたそうで、あと嬉しそうな顔していた、現実は手厳しい…。 そしてやって来た最終日、直属の上司に呼び出され、 続々と出て来るお説教に圧倒されながら…。 何とか聞いては、頭下げ下げ 俺も昔はな、頭下げ下げ 色んなトコでな、頭下げ下げ そうやって来たんだぞ、営業で。 すっ飛んで行っては、頭下げ下げ (相手から)物、飛んで来ては、頭下げ下げ (相手のクレームを)モノトーン(な気持ち)で聞いては、頭下げ下げ 「こんな感じがずっと続くんだぞ、中途採用はな!」と…。(言われた) そんなこんなでこの職場で最終日、最後の仕事を終えてすぐに 主任が「この後、空いてるか?」と言われて僕が「はい」と言うと 「会社の近くの料理屋で、お前の送別会やるぞ!」と 突然言われたサプライズに、僕はビックリしたけど行った 係長は「行けない」と僕を𠮟りつけて来たよ、最後迄…。 「まあいっか…。」と気持ち切り替えて僕は会場に行く 僕はここでの正社員としての最後の晩餐頂くよ 主任がシュリンプ勧めてくれた、戸惑ってる僕に 遠慮は良いから(頭下げ下げ) 食え、美味いから(頭下げ下げ) 「すみません」と言いながら(頭下げ下げ) そうやっているトコに店員さんが 「失礼します」と頭下げ下げ 食器とお箸とお玉下げ下げ お会計幾ら…、1人3000円だね 「気にすんなよ、今日は俺が奢るからさ!」 食事が来る前に僕は、実は就活してバイト決まっている事、 そして将来、音楽家になる為に密かに音楽やってる事を 正直に話すと主任が、お決まりの文言、言って来たよ それでも僕は「やる!」と決めてる旨をその場の皆に宣言した いざ実際に100円ショップに勤めると 「100円の価値も無いお前!」と色んな人から言われたよ 後「給料泥棒が!」とも言われ…。 しかも昔僕をいじめた奴等もちょくちょくやって来て 僕のハートをチョキチョキ切り刻んで来る おまけに僕はレジ混んでる時は、 交代させられてるトコ見てそいつら笑ってた…。 僕は新しいバイト先でも、頭下げ下げ 仕事出来ずに、頭下げ下げ お客のキッズにも頭下げ下げ いつも言われる。「こいつの事を 何とかしてよ!」(別の人が)「願い下げ下げ」 「こいつと組むの、願い下げ下げ 超負担になる、願い下げ下げ」 こんな事を一生繰り返すのは絶対嫌だから! 音楽家になる為、曲を描いては、モチベ上げ下げ あの娘でカイては、棒を上げ下げ 僕のデカい手は、棒を上げ下げ ふとバイト先の若くて可愛い娘を想い左手は 金●上げ下げ、その隣にある棒を上げ下げ 優しくしごいては、棒を上げ下げ 色々考えながらモチベーション保ってるよ (マスターベーションをしているよ…。) 虚しいけど彼女居ないからしょうがない、 それをやりながらオーガナイズをしているよ…。 頭下げ下げ、てっぺんが透け透け 「桂、禿げ!、禿げ!」とよく言われるよ 立派に格好付け、面接に駆け付け 「格好だけで詐欺だね」ともよく言われる 頭下げ下げる度ストレスで頭頂部禿げ掛けて来る 更には、僕が何かをやらかす度に 「桂、このハゲー!、違うだろ、違うだろ!」 と色んな人から何度も言われたよ…。 Are you sure you want to do this? (bowing down) You’re retiring? Yes, sir.(bowing down) You’re serious now… (bowing down) This is how I resigned from a company a long time ago…. I got hooked on music right after I joined this company. I always thought, “Someday I want to make a living at music!” I always thought “I want to make a living from music someday! Especially when I was depressed because I couldn’t do as well as others, or when I made a mistake and got angry, various songs encouraged me. I wanted to deliver those songs! I felt so strongly about it…. I’ve saved up enough money to pay off my car and driving school debt, and I’ve come up with a good way to tell my boss that I’m going to go tell him. Right before I was about to hand in my resignation, I started to get nervous. “What if they keep me?” But in fact, he accepted my resignation without any hesitation. The manager seemed to be trying to tell me, “I don’t have enough time on my hands to devote all my time to you! He also looked happy… Reality is harsh…. On the last day, I was called in by my immediate supervisor and was overwhelmed by the sermons that came out one after another…. Somehow, I managed to listen to what the boss had to say. I used to be like that, too, you know. “I used to do that in many places, (bowing down) That’s how I used to do it in sales! I used to fly to the customer’s place, (bow down) When things come flying in from the other side, (bow down, bow down) When you hear their complaints with a monotone feeling, (bow down, bow down) This is how it goes on forever in mid-career! I was told. And so, on my last day at this job, right after I finished my last job, the foreman asked me, “Are you free after this?” I said yes, and to my surprise, he suddenly said, “We’re having a farewell party for you at a restaurant near the office! I was surprised by the surprise, but went to the party. The section chief kept badgering me, “I can’t go,” until the very end…. I said, “Well, that’s okay…” I changed my mind and went to the venue. I’m going to have my last dinner as a full-time employee here. The chief of staff offers me a shrimp, and I’m puzzled. I was puzzled, but he said, “Don’t be shy (bowing down), eat it, it’s delicious (bowing down). I said, “Excuse me” (bowing down), and while I was doing so, the waiter said, “Excuse me” (bowing down) and lowered the dishes, chopsticks and ladle. How much is the bill…JPY 3,000 per person. When I was about to pay the bill, the manager said, “Don’t worry about it, I’m buying today! I’m buying today! Before the meal arrived, I told him honestly that I was actually looking for a job and had already found a part-time job, and that I was secretly working on my music career in order to become a musician in the future. Still, I told everyone there that I had decided to “do it! I told everyone there that I had decided to do it. When I actually started working at a JPY 100 store, I was told by many people, “You are not worth JPY 100! I was told by many people, “You’re not worth JPY 100! And “You’re a paycheck thief! and “You’re not worth JPY 100! And the guys who used to bully me would come in and cut my heart out…. And when the cash register was busy, I had to take my turn. They laughed at me…. Even at my new job, I was still (bowing down)…. I couldn’t do my job. I was a customer’s kid, too. “Do something about this guy!” (“I don’t want to work with him. “I don’t want to work with this guy, he’s a super burden. I don’t want to have to repeat this for the rest of my life! To become a musician, I draw songs and motivate myself up and down. Masturbating with her, raising and lowering my penis My big hands are going up and down on the pole. Suddenly thinking of the young and pretty girl I work part-time My left hand raises and lowers my balls, and my penis next to them Gently squeezing and raising and lowering my dick I’m thinking a lot of things to keep myself motivated. (I’m masturbating…) It’s empty, but I don’t have a girlfriend, so I can’t help it, I’m masturbating and having orgasms….