皆の前で私のオリキャラノートを晒された時の歌(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] The song when my original character’s notes were exposed in front of everyone.
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![皆の前で私のオリキャラノートを晒された時の歌(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] The song when my original character’s notes were exposed in front of everyone.](https://booth.pximg.net/76486138-5f33-4be0-8f99-7e5e502ae03a/i/5794319/c0b320c7-3f0f-4b53-8b06-6a928b438cf4_base_resized.jpg)
1番のサビは、1:13からです。The main part start at 1:13. ↓English lyrics are listed below. 「下手糞、決めろ!」って言う単語が出るその度に想い出すよ 不格好キメラのような顔をしててキモイ容姿した奴に 何度もそう言われた…。 僕は中学時代バドミントン部員だった けど同級生ん中で1番下手で しかも後から入って来た奴にも数ヶ月後に抜かれたんだけど 彼は盗っ人猛々しい奴だった…。 そんな中、そいつに抜かれすぐバドミントンのラリーを やる事になり一緒にやりました こいつは入部してすぐ、どんどん上手く成ってったよ 僕に才能が無いのも相まって 彼は一時期、僕とラリーする時僕がミスったり 彼が僕から点取る度にいつも決まってこう言うんだ 「下手糞決めろ、俺よりも先輩だろ!」と何度も言う彼は 不格好キメラのような顔をしててキモイ容姿だよ 後、心の中も…。 あれは中2の冬で奴が他の友達と僕ん家に遊びに来た時に こいつはスーファミで一頻り遊び終わって何を思ってか? 僕の部屋の色んな所を勝手に開けて物色し始めた 僕を他の奴が押さえつけて、僕のオリキャラが描いてあるノートを 取り上げ見た後にこう言いやがった 「下手糞キモイよ、お前の絵は!」そう言いながら読み進め、 モンスターの絵を見「不格好キメラのような絵だ! 見ていて超キモイ」と言ってそのノートを没収したんだ 翌日お昼休憩時に僕のオリキャラノートを読んだ 教壇で皆に見せびらかして、活き活きとしながら…。 それを見たうちのクラスのボスが 僕のオリキャラノートを読んでこう言った 「こんなもん描いてる暇があるなら勉強しろ!」と言って 僕のノートを焼却炉で燃やしたんだ! 僕は気晴らしにあのゲームをやろうとしたけど おかしいな?、あのゲームが見当たらない…。 奴らがこの間来た時には確かにまだあった、と言う事は 奴らの中の誰かがソフトをパクった、一番怪しいのはあいつだ! 「下手糞キモイんだ、お前!」という奴がやはり犯人だった 「パクリ王、僕のソフトを返せよ!」と僕が言うと 奴は渋々返したが、奴はこう言った 「チクリ王、桂!」と罵った 自分はあれだけの事をしといて 「ポリスメンに言うよ、返さないと!」 ここでやっとこいつは返してくれたけど…。 「チクリ王確定、警察に言うなんて、お前ホント卑怯!」と奴は僕に言うけれど…。 僕が書いた「為になる」って文章見ながら奴は言う「何、為こなるって?」 「『為になる』って書いたんだよ!」と言うと又「何、為こなるって?」 「ふざけるんだったらやめてよ!」と言う僕を無視し「何、為こなるって?」 もういいや、これ以上こいつに付き合うとこっちが駄目になるって…。 そう言えば1軍のあいつが今日あの娘の…。「何!、おめこ舐めるって?」 翌日その噂を聞いた他の生徒が「何!、おめこ舐めるって?」 そう言えば今日、お昼の給食何だっけ? 何!、なめこ汁って? 僕は散々不快になりながら給食のなめこ汁啜ってその場をやり過ごしたよ…。 説明文:私の中学時代の同級生で非常識な奴が居まして、そいつから部活で散々馬鹿にされ、プライベートでは物を盗まれ、教室では私が密かにオリキャラを描いたノートを没収されてクラスの皆に晒され、最終的にクラスのボスにそれを没収され焼却炉で燃やされました。その時の悔しさをこの歌に込めてみました。ちなみにここでは描き切れませんでしたが、後から部活に入ったそいつは、私に散々「下手糞」と言った理由は「お前にやる気を出して欲しいから」と言いましたが、そんな事を言われると私は余計にやる気が失せました。彼が同じ目に遭ってもやる気を出せるとは到底思えませんが…。 “You suck at this! I remember that song every time the words “You’re not good at this!” are uttered by an ugly guy with a chimerical face and a weird appearance. I was a member of the badminton club in junior high school, but I was the worst badminton player among my classmates, and I was overtaken a few months later by a guy who came in later. He was a thief and a ferocious guy…. This guy got better and better as soon as he joined the club…combined with my lack of talent… For a while, whenever we would have a rally and I would make a mistake or he would score a point off of me, he would always say, “You suck at this. “You’re a bad shot, you’re older than me!” He was ugly, chimerical looking, and disgusting looking, inside and out…. It was the winter of my eighth grade year, when he came over to my house with his friends, and after playing a lot of video games, what did he think? He opened various places in my room and started rummaging around. One of the other guys held me down, took my notebook with my original character on it, looked inside, and said Your drawings are so bad, they’re disgusting! and proceeded to read it, He looked at the monster drawing and said, “It’s ugly, it looks like a chimera, it’s super creepy to look at! and confiscated the notebook. The next day during lunch break, I read my original character notebook, showing it off to everyone in the podium… with great gusto. The boss of my class read my original character notebook and said, “If you have time to draw these things, you should study! He said, “If you don’t have time to draw these things, then study! He burned my notes in the incinerator! I tried to play that game as a distraction, but funny enough, I couldn’t find it… I can’t find it… It was definitely still there when they came in the other day, which means that one of them stole the game software, and the most suspicious one is that guy! The one who said, “You suck, you’re disgusting, you’re disgusting! was also the culprit. I said, “Give me back my games, you king of thieves! I said, “Give me my games back!” He gave them back reluctantly, but then he said. “You’re a liar, Katsura!” “I’ll tell the police, if you don’t give it back. “I’ll tell the police, give it back!” Finally, he gave it back to me… He said to me, “You’re a liar, you’re a coward, you’ll tell the police!” He says to me…. He looks at what I wrote “Be of benefit” and says, “What do you mean, Tamekonaru’?” I wrote ‘be of benefit’! And he says again, “What do you mean, ‘Tamekonaru’?” He ignores me and says, “What are you doing?” He ignored me and said, “What do you mean, ‘Tamekonaru’?” I’ve had enough of this guy, he’s ruining my life. I was thinking about that guy from the first team who was with that girl today…. What? Licking her vagina?” The next day, another student heard the rumor and said, “What! Licking her vagina?” What’s for lunch today? What? Funghi soup? I was so uncomfortable that I just sipped the nameko mushroom soup for lunch and got over it…. Description: I had a classmate in junior high school who was insane. He made fun of me a lot during club activities, stole things from me in private, confiscated a notebook in the classroom in which I secretly drew an original character and exposed it to the class, and finally the class boss confiscated it and burned it in an incinerator, I tried to express my frustration at that time in this song. Incidentally, I couldn’t fully describe it here, but the reason he told me I was a “bad dancer” was because he wanted to motivate me to do better. I can’t imagine he would be motivated to do the same thing if he had to go through the same thing….