我が部の「コラー!」大魔王(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] Our club’s “Korah!” King of the Demon
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![我が部の「コラー!」大魔王(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] Our club’s “Korah!” King of the Demon](https://booth.pximg.net/76486138-5f33-4be0-8f99-7e5e502ae03a/i/5805442/f942f8f5-d50a-4892-b79b-59cca7af8236_base_resized.jpg)
1番のサビは、1:34からです。The main part start at 1:34. ↓English lyrics are listed below. 「何やおめえ、コラー!、喧嘩売ってんのか?、あ!?、コラ!」 って僕に言うけれど他の人には 「喧嘩吹っ掛けてんじゃねえ、コラー!」って 注意しないのは何故だろう?、と思える先輩が居た 僕は高校時代バスケットボール部に所属していた その中である先輩が他の人よりも超上手い人で しかも入部初日に当時1番上手い人に勝ったよ しかもコミュ力も高くハーフっぽいイケメンで 僕とは正反対の人だった、色んな意味で…。 だけれどもこんなに多くを持ってれば 思い上がるには充分で僕があまりにも 出来が悪いから愛相尽かし嫌いになった…。 ある日部活が始まる前、彼がいきなりこう言って来たよ 「お前は自由契約だ」と、つまり「要らない」という事か? ある日部活が始まってすぐある同級生が 僕が準備運動をしてると、ちょっかい出して来て 僕が「何すんだよ!?」と大声で注意したら その先輩がやって来て、ちょっかい出した彼を 注意するか?、と思っていたら実際は 「何やおめえ、コラー!、喧嘩売ってんのか?、あ!?、コラ!」 って僕に言うけれど普通は彼に 「コラー!、喧嘩吹っ掛けてんじゃねえ!」って 注意するもんじゃ無いのか? 彼はバスケットボール部の神童 「お前とバスケするの、しんど…。」って言われたけれど僕は 「貴方にいじめられてるいから、しんど…。」と(思ってる) 更にプライベートで彼は無理矢理カラオケに誘って 「来ないとどうなるか解ってるか?」と脅したりもした 僕が1年生の終わり頃に春合宿があったんだけど 合宿が終わり帰る直前に身長の高い先輩が 僕に意味不明な事を言い、それを「嫌です」と言う所を たまたま通り掛かったエースの先輩が聞いて怒りながら 「何やおめえ、コラー!、喧嘩売ってんのか?、あ!?、コラ!」 って僕に言うけれど普通は彼に「コラー!、 喧嘩吹っ掛けてんじゃねえ!」って注意するもんでしょ? 「何やおめえ、コラー!、喧嘩売ってんのか?、あ!?、コラ!」 って別の人も加わって来て「コラー!」と喧嘩吹っ掛けて来たよ そして後は先生が来て帰る為に広間で待ってると エースの先輩が開口一番にこう言って来たんだよ 「さあ皆、山野 桂を一斉に皆でガン飛ばすぞ、始め!」 「バスケットボール部の恥め!」って言いながら 皆で睨みつけて来た、蛇に睨まれた蛙ような僕…。 そう言えば1年の3学期の時、地元が主催の大会で 初戦のウォームアップで僕がシュート打とうとしたら彼が来て 「お前はボール拾いをしろ、お前にシュートを打たれると ボールが腐って可哀想」と言われ仕方無く 僕は球拾いをしていたら先生が僕にこう言って来たんだ 「何やってんだお前、シュート打って良いんだぞ?、 お前も選手なんだし」と「何でおめえ、コラー!、 シュート打たねえんだよ?」とエース先輩が言って来たよ お前が「打つな」と言ったからだろうが! 「何やおめえ、コラー!、喧嘩売ってんのか?」 と言うエース先輩は今日は歌、歌っていた 部室で大声で「オラー!」とシャウトしていたんだよ 僕が挨拶し着替えてると、他の人が来て(彼が)こう言う 「なあ、俺は将来、いっそロックのスターになる!」 とか寝言を言っていたよ…。 更にこんな事も言っていた 「作詞は負けない誰々さん、作曲突然誰々さん アレンジ世界が誰々さんに基本、作って貰うとしてたまに 奪い去りたいバラードを歌うんだ!」とか「馬鹿!、この~w」 「たまには演歌でババア共を俺の美顔、美声で酔わすんだ カップリングの歌詞は俺が描く!、作曲はうちのクラスの 可愛い娘が音楽部だしその娘に、アレンジは音楽部の1年生に 出来る奴が居るからそいつに、それぞれやって貰う そうだ!、アルバムの1曲をヅラ男に素直に試しに描かせよう、 著作権は当然俺の物だ!」(と言っていた) 説明文:私実は高校生の時、バスケ部だったのですが、同じ部に所属していたエースの先輩が相当自信過剰な人で、彼から見て私は、色んな意味で正反対だった為いつも虐められてました。その時の悔しさをこの歌に込めました。 What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to pick a fight? What are you…? Fuck you!” to me, but to others it’s, “You’re picking a fight!” Why don’t they say to me, “You’re fighting with me? There was a senior who seemed to be a good friend of mine. When I was in high school, I was a member of the basketball club. One of the seniors was better than the others, and on his first day in the club, he beat the best player at the time! He was also a very communicative and beautiful half-breed who was the complete opposite of me in many ways…. But having so much was enough to make him think that I was too good for him, so he got fed up with me and started to hate me… One day, before club activities started, he suddenly said to me, “You’re a free agent,” meaning he didn’t want me? One day, right after the club activities started, one of my classmates started messing with me while I was doing the preparation exercise, and I said “What are you doing? I yelled out a warning, and the senior came over to me and asked me if I was going to give him a warning for messing with me. I thought, “What’s the matter with you? Are you trying to pick a fight with me? Are you trying to pick a fight with me? What are you doing? He would say to me, “What the hell are you doing? “Hey! You’re picking a fight!” Don’t you think you should have warned him? He’s a prodigy on the basketball team. He said, “It’s hard for me to play basketball with you…” but I’m thinking, “It’s hard for me to play basketball with you because of all the bullying you do…” I think. And in private, he would force me to go out with him to karaoke and threaten me, “Do you know what will happen if you don’t come?” Do you know what will happen if you don’t come? Right before we were about to leave after the camp, a tall senior said something to me that I didn’t understand, and when I told him I didn’t want to go, he said “I don’t want to go…”. I was about to say “I don’t like it,” when an ace senior happened to pass by and heard me and said angrily, “What’s the matter with you, you little bitch! Are you trying to pick a fight with me? Are you trying to pick a fight with me? You’re fighting with me? But normally, I would say to him, “Hey! You’re picking a fight, You’re picking a fight!” Don’t you think I’d say, “Hey, fuck you! “What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to pick a fight? Are you trying to pick a fight with me? Hey! And then another guy joins in, and he’s like, “Hey! And they started fighting. Then, as we were waiting in the hall for the teacher to arrive and break up, the ace senior said, “Come on, everyone, let’s all gun down Katsura Yamano at once! Let’s all start shooting at Katsura Yamano at once! Shame on the basketball team! I was like a frog staring at a snake. I remember that in the third semester of my freshman year, I was about to shoot in the warm-up for my first game at a tournament sponsored by my hometown when he came up to me and said, “You should pick up the ball, because if you shoot, the ball will rot. You can shoot the ball. You’re a player, too. Immediately, the senior ace said to me, “Hey! Why aren’t you shooting? He said, “Why don’t you shoot? I thought to myself, “That’s because you told me not to shoot! I thought to myself. “What the hell, man! Are you trying to pick a fight? What are you doing? Hey! And Ace was singing a song today, and he was in the club room yelling, “Hey!” in the club room. As I was getting dressed, someone else came in and said, “I’m going to be a rock star in the future!” I’m going to be a rock star in the future! He also said something like this. I’m going to sing ballads that make you want to take them away from me. And sometimes, “What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Ace Senior continued, “Sometimes I sing enka to get the ladies drunk with my beautiful face and voice. I’ll draw the lyrics for the coupling! A beautiful girl in our class is in the music club, so she can compose the music, and a freshman in the music club can arrange the music. That’s right! I’ll have the wig guy try out one of the songs on the album, and the copyright is mine, of course! He said.