お前なんか音楽を辞めちまえ!(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] You should quit music!
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![お前なんか音楽を辞めちまえ!(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] You should quit music!](https://booth.pximg.net/76486138-5f33-4be0-8f99-7e5e502ae03a/i/5835356/770d2010-7d18-4656-872c-fe1aa2ec6e9f_base_resized.jpg)
1番のサビは、1:23からです。The main part start at 1:23. ↓English lyrics are listed below. ヴォーカリストを君は目指している割に歌上手くない…。 年齢も結構行ってるのも相まって親類、友人から 「そろそろ辞めちまえ!」と言われてる女性と 昔、音楽活動をやっていた…。 僕は以前、喉の腫れが酷くって耳鼻咽喉科に通っていたけど それも何とか寛解して丁度仕事も忙しくなくなって来たから もう1回音楽活動を始めようと思い立って 楽器屋のメンバー募集掲示板に 女性ボーカルを募集する詳細を書いた貼り紙をお願いして 約1週間後に、ある女性から連絡が来ました。 その女性は26歳(当時)で「明日仕事帰りに仙台駅に 向かいますので、午後6時過ぎにそこで お会いしませんか?」と言われ了承したよ 次で最後になりますように…。と 明日に備えて準備をするよ 今度こそは相手の女性からこう言われないようにしたい 「辞めちまえ!」と…。 そして翌日の終業後に仙台駅で 待ち合わせして少し遅れて来た女性は 中々の美人さんでリクルートスーツで現れて お互いに挨拶し合って早速 カラオケボックスで色んなタイプの歌を歌って 次に会う約束し、お開きに…。 その間彼女は兎に角喋りまくるし 1度喋り出すといつまでも話し終わんないよ…。 しかも彼女は僕の言う事を基本、否定し受け身の姿勢 別の人に同じ感じで相談したらこう言われた 「辞めちまえ、親の為、将来の為、若い内に辞めちまえ、 お前の為に言ってんだぞ!」と…。 その人の気持ちが本当良く解る 僕もそう想っているが共感してる振りをした 又地雷女だった…。だけど僕から募集を掛けたんだし、 出来るトコ迄やってみるしか無いのかな…。 彼女に帰り際にこう言われました。 「私、インディーズレーベルに所属しているから チェックしといてね」と言われ、その日の夜に そのレーベル「IQ.MAX(仮名)」を調べたら 斡旋業者だったよ、お前はIQ全然MAXじゃない! 何故かと言うと彼女はそこに何十万も払って CD作り金溶かす、あんぽんたんと化す…。 「そんなんだから周りから『辞めちまえ!』 って言われるんだよ」と想ってた時 「そのせいで生活苦しいからこの活動で 掛かる金は全部君負担でやって下さい」 そういう事言うのダサい! 「そんな考えなら音楽を辞めちまえ!、親の為、将来の為」 と彼女にそう言って辞めちまった…。 自分の為、我慢の限界だった! 女性は男性に対していつも上から目線で態度は尊大 そんな女性に男性はいつもお金と気遣わされて損だい! 彼女は高校、大学の時、数多くの男性と遊んだい! そんな彼女が詞を書いている愛や恋の歌なんかの Song Dieだ!、僕的には損害だ…。 説明文:私が28歳の時、喉の腫れが酷かったので近所の耳鼻咽喉科に行って寛解させ、そのタイミングで当時勤めていた職場の仕事もひと段落したので「音楽活動をもう1度始めよう!」と思い立ち、仙台の楽器屋のメンバー募集掲示板に女性ボーカル募集の詳細を記載した貼り紙をお願いしました。 約1週間後に、作中の女性と出会って活動したものの、彼女も中々の地雷女だったので、約4カ月で解散となりました…。ちなみに活動期間は2008年10月下旬から翌年の2月下旬迄でした。それらの活動を経ても得る物はほぼ無く、失うものは多々あったこのもどかしさを、この歌に込めました。 作中の彼女の私に対する振る舞いから察するに、相当ストレスが溜まってて、普段は必死で自分を押し殺してるんだろうなあ…、と想いました。 You're not a good singer for someone who aspires to be a vocalist. You're old enough that your relatives and friends are saying, “It's time for you to quit! I used to be a musician.... I used to go to an ENT for a swollen throat, but it somehow went into remission and I was no longer busy with work, so I decided to start playing music again. About a week later, a woman contacted me. She was 26 years old at the time and said, “I'm heading to Sendai station tomorrow after work, so why don't you meet me there after 6 pm?” I agreed. I prayed that the next time would be the last.... I prayed that this would be the last time... and got ready for tomorrow. I hope that this time the other woman won't tell me to quit.... I hope that this time I won't be told by the other woman to “quit”.... We met up at Sendai station after work the next day, and the woman who showed up a little late was a pretty lady in a recruit suit, and we greeted each other and sang various types of songs at a karaoke box. During that time, she talked a lot, and once she started talking, she never finished.... And she basically denies what I say and takes a passive attitude.... When I talked to someone else about the same thing, she said, “Quit, for your parents, for your future, quit while you're young, I'm talking to you for your own good! I'm saying this for your sake! I know exactly how he felt, and I felt the same way, but I pretended to sympathize with him.... She was another minefield woman, but I had recruited her, so I guess I had to take it as far as I could.... On her way home, she told me, “I belong to an independent label, so check it out.” That night I checked out the label, IQ.MAX (pseudonym), and found it was just a mediator, you are not IQ MAX at all! She paid 300,000 JPY to make a CD there and melted her money, and she became a fool.... "That's why people around me say, 'Quit! She told me, “You have to pay all the money for this activity because I'm having a hard time making a living because of it. She told me, “You have to bear all the expenses for this activity because I'm having a hard time making a living because of it. She said, “It's lame to say such a thing! If you think like that, quit music! I told her that I was quitting this unit for my parents' sake and for my future. Women are always superior and arrogant to men, and men are always losing money and attention to such women! She played with many men when she was in high school and college! She is dead in love and love songs that she writes! She is dead, and in my opinion, it's a loss to have spent money and time on her.... Description: When I was 28 years old, I had a swollen throat that went into remission at a local ENT clinic, and at the same time, my job at that time had ended, so I decided to “start my music career once again! I put up a notice on the bulletin board of a music shop in Sendai, asking for female vocalists. About a week later, I met the woman in the story and we started our activities, but she was also a bit of a minefield, so we disbanded after about four months.... By the way, the activity period was from the end of E.C.2008 October to the end of February of the following year. I put this frustration of having nothing to gain and a lot to lose into this song. From her behavior toward me in the film, I guessed that she must be under a lot of stress, and that she usually tries hard to suppress herself…. I thought.