第1話 音楽でRe.Startしたい!(Berryen Version)[feat.VY1V4] Episode 1 I want to Re.Start with music!
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![第1話 音楽でRe.Startしたい!(Berryen Version)[feat.VY1V4] Episode 1 I want to Re.Start with music!](https://booth.pximg.net/76486138-5f33-4be0-8f99-7e5e502ae03a/i/6021100/1930738c-9c8b-4423-be15-c496e87d5f03_base_resized.jpg)
1番のサビは、1:03:からです。The main part start at 1:03:. ↓English lyrics are listed below. 嗚呼、僕は社会人としてRe.Startを したのは良いけれどいつも葛藤してるよ いつも周りの愚痴や飲み会に付き合わされて 「ホント無駄だなあ」と想いながら…。 僕は高校卒業後、社会の厳しさ痛感させられて 何気に音楽聴いてたら、涙が出る程癒されて 音楽に魅了された僕は色んな音楽を聴きまくり 次第に僕も「ミュージシャンになりたい!」と想うようになり 自動車学校と中古車の借金返し終えた僕は 貯金をしながら機材と楽器を買って練習をし始めた 社会に出てから3年経ち、漸く100万貯まったよ 会社や家族を説得して準備完了したら さあ僕は上京するんだ、Re.Start! いつの日か音楽でスターとなる為に 同じ夢を描いてる人が集うあの街で僕は 信じてた仲間とdiscode 解散、追放で別行動 それらを繰り返しバイトに明け暮れ 気付くと30(歳)、キツイよ周りの目も、 僕の身も心も…。 そんなこんな日々で夢破れ、彼女にも見切り付けられて 地元に戻って都落ち、すぐ仕事を探し始めて 倉庫内作業に就いたけど、覚えの悪さとお人好しが高じて 怒られ、からかわれながら必死に頑張った2年後 上司や周りに認められ「正社員になってみないか?」と 言われたけど心身共に今も充分キツイのに これ以上キツイと本当に病みそうだ、お人好し上司を見て確信! 例え待遇が良くなり、両親が喜ぶとしても…。 嗚呼、僕は会社員としてRe.Startを切る為に(仕事の)マスターを する為の努力が認められた嬉しさより不安の方が勝る…。 「お前は要済み、リストラ!」と言われ 精神を病んでリストカットをする羽目になるより良いのかな? 僕の人生これで本当に良いのかな? そんな中、心身共に疲労してるのにDAWを操作したり ピアノ弾く僕は本当に音楽好きだと気付いたよ なら兎に角Re.Startしよう!、周りにバレないようにしよう! バレても「趣味です!」と言い張ろう! 音楽で食えるようになった時にカミングアウトする事を決めたんだ! もう一度僕は音楽でRe.Startをすると決めたんだよ! スターとは無縁だとしても何かの形で携わってたい程好きだ! 今からミュージシャンでスタートを切ろうとしてる子らに スタントをしようとするならば協力したい! 10年間の音楽経験をそういう人の為に使いたい! そうと決まったら僕は「音楽でRe.Startをする!」と 決意して貼り紙を楽器屋さんにお願いした 数日後にもう連絡来た!? 1人目は高校3年生、バンドでギター担当らしい 2人目は小学6年生で、学芸会でオリジナル歌いたい、との事だ…。 2人共どんなポテンシャル秘めているのか 今から楽しみだ、早く会いたいなあ…。 説明文:この曲は主人公の山野 桂(やまの かつら)が人生に絶望していた時に音楽に出逢って救われ、 そこから音楽にのめり込み、ミュージシャンになりたくて上京したものの、 夢破れて地元に帰り働き始め、頑張りが認められて、上司から「正社員にならないか?」と言われたが 自分の人生がこれで本当に良いのか疑問に感じ、心身共に疲労してるにも関わらず、 楽器や機材をいじる程に音楽が好き、という事に気付いてもう一度音楽で再出発する決意を固めるのでした。 その直後に2人の少女と出会い、彼女達の実力を確かめる為にカラオケボックスに行く、というお話です。 Ah, I'm good with my Re.Start as a working person, but I'm always conflicted. I'm always accompanied by people around me complaining and drinking, thinking “it's really a waste of time”... After graduating from high school, I was made acutely aware of the harshness of society, and when I casually listened to music, I was healed to the point of tears, and I became fascinated by music, listening to all kinds of music, and gradually I began to think, “I want to be a musician! I was so fascinated by music that I started to listen to all kinds of music. After paying off my debt for driving school and a used car, I bought equipment and instruments and started practicing while saving money. Three years after I entered the workforce, I finally saved up one million dollars. Once I convinced my company and family that I was ready, I was going to move to Tokyo, Re.Start! I'm going to be a star in music someday, in that city where people who share the same dream gather, and I'm going to be with the friends I believed in and discode.... I spent my days working part-time jobs, and before I knew it, I was 30 years old, and the stares from people around me were harsh on me, both physically and mentally. I was angry at me and made fun of me for my poor memory and good-naturedness, but after two years of working hard, I was recognized by my boss and others and asked if I wanted to become a full-time employee. After two years of hard work, I was recognized by my boss and others and asked to become a full-time employee. But I was convinced by my good-natured boss that I would get really sick if I had to work any harder than I already had to, both physically and mentally! Even if I get better treatment and my parents are happy.... Aha, I am more anxious than happy that my efforts to master my job in order to Re.Start as a company employee have been recognized.... I was told, “You're done, you're fired! I wonder if this is better than being told “You're fired, you're done!” and having to cut my wrist due to a mental illness. Is this really what I want to do with my life? In the midst of all this, I realized that I really love music, operating a DAW and playing the piano, even though I'm physically and mentally exhausted. So I decided to Re-Start anyway! And don't let people find out about it! Even if they find out, I'll say “It's just a hobby! I'm just a hobby! I decided to come out when I can make a living with music! I decided to Re-Start with music once again! I love it so much that I want to be a part of it in some way, even if I'm not a star! I want to help kids who are just starting out as musicians and want to do stunts! I want to use my 10 years of music experience to help them! Once I decide to do that, I will “Re-Start with music! and asked the music store to put up a poster. A few days later, I already heard from them! The first was a high school senior who plays guitar in a band. The second is a 6th grader who wants to sing an original song for the school arts festival.... I can't wait to see what kind of potential they both have, I can't wait to meet them.... Description: This song is about the main character, Katsura Yamano, who was in despair about his life when he was saved by music, and from there he fell in love with music. He was recognized for his hard work, and his boss asked him if he wanted to become a full-time employee, but he questioned whether this was really the right life for him. He realized that he loved music enough to operate instruments and equipment despite his physical and mental exhaustion, and he was determined to make a fresh start in music. Shortly after that, he meets two girls and goes to a karaoke box to see what they can do.