第2話 どうして噓をつくんだろう…。(Berryen Version)[feat.VY1V4] Episode 2 Why do they lie...
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![第2話 どうして噓をつくんだろう…。(Berryen Version)[feat.VY1V4] Episode 2 Why do they lie...](https://booth.pximg.net/76486138-5f33-4be0-8f99-7e5e502ae03a/i/6126000/2406da93-dda1-4367-acc3-aa467b7f31e2_base_resized.jpg)
1番のサビは、1:22からです。The main part start at 1:22. ↓English lyrics are listed below. 彼等はどうして噓とかついちゃうの? 嘘をつくと信頼が無くなるのに…。 信頼よりも大切な物があるという事なの?、彼等には…。 妹は今度の学芸会でオリジナル歌いたいらしくて 「自分じゃ作れないから」と言って、他人に作らせて更になんと!? 著作権、収益、全部自分の物にしようと企んでて、 本名を名乗ろうとしたら毒父が 「偽名使え、鮫妻じゃ警戒されて弾かれる!」と入れ知恵した (智枝)「そうだ智加、お前も誘ってやるぞ!」と言われ、嬉しがる僕を見て (智枝)「何浮かれてんだよ、おめーはあだしの引き立て役に決まってんだろ!」 それを聞いた瞬間に僕は表情、心、曇って行き そんな顔で智枝を見た瞬間、智枝もみるみる怒り出して 私に暴言吐き出すと、横から毒父やって来て 凄い形相で智枝と一緒に暴力振るって来たんだよ 私はひたすら謝って耐えるしか無くて、毒母は見ているだけ…。 こんな状況でも僕はふと想った 彼等はどうして噓とかついちゃうの? 嘘をつくと信頼無くなるのに…。 「尤も私は貴方達への信頼残高とっくに0だ! そりゃそうだ、こんな事しょっちゅうしたら誰だって嫌いになるよ」 と言いたいのを僕はグッと堪えて、押し付けられた洗い物をやってる 僕はここでは笑い者になってる…。 当日、桂に蒼絵達が挨拶し、そのすぐ後に国太来て、 娘の智枝を紹介し、偽名使ったのを察したよ…。 (国太)「本名を名乗ったら弾かれる事を知っていたからそうした!」と言い更に、 (国太)「お前が言い出しっぺだから俺らの分もお前出せよ!」と…。 僕が「1時間」って言ったら、国太が「2時間」って言ったよ 智枝ちゃんの歌、蒼絵ちゃんのギター1時間あれば聴けるのに…。 (国太)「折角準備したんだから2時間にしろ!」と言い出した 彼等の横暴さに周りはドン引きしていたよ…。 彼等はどうして恐喝とかするの?、恐喝すると信頼無くなるのに…。 彼等はそういうやり方でしか関係築けないのかな? 智加が歌い終えてすぐにトイレに行くのを見てあびるが付いて行く その2人にお構いなしに智枝は熱唱しまくってるよ…。 意気消沈している智加に、あびるが優しく話し掛けた 智加は優しい子と察した、見た目の可愛さ相まって…。 (あびる)「貴女と仲良くなりたいよ、貴女の光になりたい!」 という想いを伝えたいよ、やっぱり言おう!。折角出会えたんだし 貴女があの家族と縁を切る為の力になりたいから! 「合否は今日の夕方に伝える」と言った内心は不合格 そう想ってたら、あびるが「智枝に曲作ろう!」と言い出した (あびる)「その代わり智加ちゃんと仲良くさせて」と言い出した 「こんなんで良けりゃくれてやるよ!」と、 智枝と国太が笑いながら言ったのを聞いてあびるがこう言ったよ 「智加ちゃん、せっかくだからBerryenに入ろう!」 あびるさんはどうして私にこんなにも優しくしてくれるか知らないけど、 どんな狙いがあるにせよ僕を好きになってくれたからには (智枝と国太に)「不器用だ!」と笑われたけれど…。 (あびる)「ちょっとずつで良いから上手くなろうよ!、毎日練習していれば上手くなるから、 づらっち、蒼っちも、あーしもサポートするからさ!」 (智枝)「そんな事よりギャラ全部よこせ!」と言った (あびる)「良いよ、その代わり智加ちゃんに優しくしてあげてよ?」 「分かった。但し、結果を出せなきゃぶっ●す!、営業はあだしがやっからよ、 あだし智加と違って友達いっぱい居るし」 「100DLは絶対売れよ!、出来なきゃ智加と接触禁止だ!」 と国太が葉っぱ(タバコ)を吸いながら発破を掛けて来たが (あびる)「あーし、智加ちゃんの為に作詞と作曲を出来るようになる! ギターの初心者智加ちゃん、一緒に頑張ろう、天下を取りに行こう!」 オーディション終了後に蒼絵から連絡が来た 「作詞と作曲法の本持って来て」と言われ 僕は持参し、蒼絵ん家に行ったよ 「ミニギターを智加に貸す為にあーしバイトを始める!」 と言うとづらっちが「良いよ、俺が買う」(と言った) (智加)「私の為にここまでしてくれるなんて…。」 涙が出て来たよ…。 Why do they lie? When they lie, they lose trust... Is it that there is something more important to them than trust? Tomoe wants to sing an original song for the upcoming school arts and crafts show, and she says she can't write it herself, so she has someone else write it for her, and what's more! When she tried to use her real name, her father told her to use an alias, saying, “Use an alias, Sametsuma will be cautious and reject you. Tomoka said, “Yes, Tomoka, I'll invite you too!” Tomoe said to me, “What are you getting excited about, you are just a compliment to me! I was so happy to hear that. The moment I heard that, my expression and heart became cloudy, and when I looked at Tomoeda with such a face, Tomoe became angry and spat out abusive words at me, and my poison father came from the side and violently attacked me with Tomoe in a terrible manner. I had no choice but to endure while apologizing to him, and my poison mother just watched.... Even under such circumstances, I suddenly had this thought Why do they lie? Lying makes them lose trust.... But I already have zero trust in you! I suppressed the urge to say, “Of course you're right, if you do this all the time, anyone would hate you...” and I was doing the dishes I was forced to do.... I am the laughing stock here.... On that day, Aoe and the others greeted Katsura, and shortly after, Kunita came and introduced his daughter Tomoe, and I guessed he used a fake name... He did so because he knew he would be played if he gave his real name! You're the one who started it, so you'll have to pay for ours too! Kunita said. I said “one hour” to the waiter, and Kunita said “two hours! Kunita said, “Two hours! I could have listened to Tomoe's singing and Aoe's guitar playing in an hour. Kunita said, “We've prepared for this event, so make it two hours! Kunita said. People around us were shocked at their arrogance.... Why do they blackmail people? Blackmailing makes them lose trust.... Is that the only way they can build a relationship? Seeing Tomoka go to the restroom right after she finished singing, Abiru followed her. Tomoe is singing passionately without regard to those two.... Abiru talks gently to a dejected Tomoka Tomoka guessed she was a kind girl, coupled with her cute looks.... I want to be your friend, I want to be your light! I want to tell you how I feel. I want to help you get rid of that family! Abiru thought. Katsura said that he would tell her this evening if she passed or failed, but in her heart, she knew that she had failed. Then Abiru said, “Let's write a song for Tomoe! she said. In return, let me be friends with Tomoka,” said Abiru. “I'll give you a song like this!” Tomoe and Kunita laughed, and Abiru said Tomoka, since we're here, let's join Berryen! I don't know why Abiru is being so nice to me, but whatever her intentions are, I will do my best because she likes me! Tomoe and Kunita laughed at me and said, “You're so clumsy! Tomoe and Kunita laughed at me, but.... Tomoe and Kunita laughed at me, but I said, “Let's get better at it, little by little! Katsura, Aoe and I will support you! I'll support you, Katsura, Aoe, and me! “Don't worry about that, just give me all the money you're paying us! Tomoe said. Fine, but be nice to Tomoka in return, okay? Abiru said. I understand,” Abiru said. But if you don't give me results, I'll kill you! I'll take care of the business. Unlike Tomoka, I have a lot of friends,” said Tomoe. I have a lot of friends, unlike Tomoka,” Tomoe said. If you don't, I'll ban you from contacting Tomoka! Kunita blasted her while smoking a cigarette. I'll learn to write lyrics and music for you! Let's work together, Tomoka, a beginner guitarist, and let's go for the world! Abiru said. After the audition, Aoe asked me to bring a book on how to write lyrics and compose music, and I did so. I went to his house and said, “I'm going to start a part-time job so that I can lend my mini-guitar to Tomoka! Katsura said, “Okay, I'll buy it for you. I can't believe you're going this far for me...” When she said this, tears came to Tomoka's eyes...