お医者さんに聴かせちゃいけない歌(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] A song you shouldn’t let the doctors listen to
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![お医者さんに聴かせちゃいけない歌(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] A song you shouldn’t let the doctors listen to](https://booth.pximg.net/76486138-5f33-4be0-8f99-7e5e502ae03a/i/5760336/3063ff21-cec9-4b75-a50f-8c5fb17b8661_base_resized.jpg)
1番のサビは、1:51からです。The main part start at 1:51. ↓English lyrics are listed below. 「3歳児だって耐えられるよ、ファイバースコープを 鼻の穴の中に入れるのは」と聞いたけど本当かな? 僕は昔、喉が腫れて痛み引かず、不安に想い、 近所の耳鼻咽喉科に行こうと思っていたけど 鼻にファイバースコープ入れるのは 「本当に3歳児でも我慢出来る」と言うけど そういう子も中には居るってだけで その子を基準にしているんだろう、きっと…。 ここで僕が幾ら悩んでもしょうがないから 予約入れて当日病院へ行ったら 感じの悪い看護婦から問診表渡され 書き終え暫くしたら中に呼ばれ先生に今の状況を僕が話し その内容と問診表を照らし合わせ、先生の説明も程々に 先生が手慣れた手捌きで僕の鼻の穴に鼻鏡を入れ 薬をシュッ!と吹きかけ、用意されたファイバースコープ 入れた瞬間あまりの痛さに僕は「うぎゃあー!」 (先生)「はいはい、3歳児だって平気なのよ、大人なんだから我慢しなさい!」 そんな事を言われながらファイバースコープ動かしつつ (私)「3歳児達と比べないで下さい!」 と言ったら怒られ傷ついたよ、鼻腔だけじゃなく心も…。 診断結果は「アレルギー性鼻炎」との事でお薬貰い、 それで今回は終わったけど、次回以降 あの感じ悪い看護婦の事もあり、行きたくないなあ…。 でも近所でここしか無いから短期集中して 早く治す為、間を開けず予約入れ、 漸く完治してサヨナラ出来る! この事母に話してから数カ月、 知り合いの60過ぎのお爺さんもそこに通い 僕と同じ目に遭い、用意されたファイバースコープ 入れた瞬間あまりの痛さに彼も「うぎゃあー!」 (先生)「はいはい、3歳児だって平気なのよ、大人なんだから我慢しなさい!」 そんな事を言われながらファイバースコープ動かしつつ (彼)「3歳児達と比べんじゃねえ!、幾つになっても苦手な物は痛い!」 そういう人も居るのを解っているのに お医者さんって患者の不安を取り除くものなんじゃないの? なのに患者をケアとかせずに無理矢理に医療行為を行なって 3歳児達と比べる事が普通の医者という事か!? ネットで調べたら「ファイバースコープの痛みは殆どありません」 と言っていたけど「嘘つけ!」 「かなり痛い」と書いてる人誰も居なかったんだよ 何故誰も居ないの? もしかしてどこかの医療会がそういう記事消してるの? (先生)「3歳児だって平気なのよ、何度も来てるんだから慣れたでしょ!?」 そんな事を言われたって苦手な物は苦手なんだ! (私)「3歳児達と比べないで!」彼等にこの想いは届かなかったんだ…。 ならばいっそ僕らが君をもてなそう! 3歳児達と比べられて、それでも頑張って通い切ったね! 本当に偉い貴方は。今夜はご褒美として山菜ご飯作ったげるね 黒豚の豚汁も作ってあげるからさ! これらを平らげて明日も頑張れるように僕はずっと君を支えるから! 僕は二度とあの耳鼻科には通わないが あの耳鼻科の前をたまに通るけど繁盛してるみたい 近所にここしか無いからか? だけどたまに「ここの耳鼻科は最悪だ!」と噂聞くね やはり僕と同じ考えの人が一定数居る 僕は間違ってなかった こういう医者が減りますように…。 説明文:私が28歳になってすぐ位に、喉が腫れて痛み出し、それが中々自然に治らない為に不安に想い、近所の耳鼻咽喉科に行き、 一応治ったものの、色んな意味で散々な目に遭わされました。その時の気持ちを、この歌に込めてみました。鼻の穴の中に何かを入れる行為は、平気な人は平気かも知れませんが、駄目な人には相当な激痛なので、全国のお医者様、その辺もう少し心のケアをしながら医療行為をお願い致します。 I’ve heard it said that even a three-year-old can tolerate having a fiberscope put up his or her nostrils, but is it true? I had a swollen throat that wouldn’t go away, and I was anxious about going to the local ENT, but…. I was thinking of going to my local ENT because I used to have a swollen throat that wouldn’t go away and I was worried about it… They say that “really, even a 3 year old can tolerate having a fiberscope in his nose”, but I guess they are just basing it on the fact that some children are like that… I made an appointment and went to the hospital on the day of the appointment, and after I finished writing, I was called in and told the doctor about my current situation, and the doctor compared the information with my medical questionnaire. and sprayed medicine into my nostrils. The moment the doctor inserted the fiberscope into my nostrils, I felt so much pain that I said, “Ugyah! I screamed. I screamed, “Yes, yes, even a three-year-old is fine, you’re an adult! The doctor was moving the fiberscope while saying “Yes, yes, even a 3 year old can handle it. I said, “Don’t compare me to 3 year-olds!” I said, “Don’t compare me with 3 year-olds!” The doctor got angry and hurt my heart as well as my nasal cavity. The diagnosis was “allergic rhinitis” and I was given medicine, but I didn’t want to go back next time because of the bad nurse…. But since this is the only place in my neighborhood, I made an appointment without any interval in order to get cured quickly and intensively, and finally I am cured and can say good-bye! A few months after I told my mother about this, an acquaintance of mine, an old man over 60 years old, went there and suffered the same thing as I did. He also screamed “Ugyah! He screamed, “Yes, yes, even a three year old is fine, but you are an adult, so be patient! The doctor moved the fiberscope around while saying, “Don’t compare yourself to 3-year-olds. Don’t compare me to 3 year-olds! I don’t care how old you are, what you don’t like hurts! I know that there are people like that, but I’m not going to compare myself with them. I know there are people like that, but aren’t doctors supposed to relieve their patients’ anxiety? And yet, comparing a doctor to a bunch of 3-year-olds by forcibly performing medical procedures on them without taking care of them is what a normal doctor does! I looked it up on the Internet and it says “fiberscopes are almost painless”, but “don’t lie to me! Why didn’t anyone write “it hurts a lot”? Why didn’t anyone write “it hurts a lot”? The doctor says, “Even a three year old is fine, you’ve been here so many times you’re used to it!” The doctor said. To which I replied, “I don’t care what you say, what I don’t like is what I don’t like! Don’t compare me to 3-year-olds!” The doctor didn’t get the message I was trying to send. Then let us entertain you! You were compared to 3 year-olds, and you still managed to go through with it! You are really great! As a reward, I’ll make you some rice with wild vegetables and pork miso soup with Black pork! I will support you all the way so that you can eat these and work hard tomorrow! I will never go to that ENT again, but I pass by it every once in a while and it seems to be thriving, maybe because it is the only one in the neighborhood? But sometimes I hear rumors that “this ENT is the worst! I’ve heard rumors that this is the only ENT in the neighborhood. I guess there are a certain number of people who think the same way I do. I was not wrong. I wish there would be fewer doctors like this…. Description: Right after I turned 28 years old, my throat started to swell and hurt, and I was worried because it did not heal naturally. I put my feelings at that time into this song. The act of inserting something into the nostrils may be fine for those who don’t mind, but for those who do, it is extremely painful.