「アイコンと違う!?」と言われた時の歌(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] A song about being told “You’re different from an icon!?”
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![「アイコンと違う!?」と言われた時の歌(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] A song about being told “You’re different from an icon!?”](https://booth.pximg.net/76486138-5f33-4be0-8f99-7e5e502ae03a/i/5768726/9375a55f-4505-4dd3-92c5-7cefd76a5db6_base_resized.jpg)
↓English lyrics are listed below. あれ?、アイコンと全然違う! 仕方ない、容姿に自信無いからね じゃあせめてアイコンくらいは好きな外見になる!、 と決めたんだよ、良いだろ?、それくらい…。 僕は昔、プロの音楽家目指し、上京してすぐの事 楽器屋で女性ボーカルに会う為 貼り紙にアイコンを書き足したんだよね 理由は普通に書いても人来なさそうと想い 考えてそうしたんだ どうせならちょっと位イケメンに描こう(加工?) 人が先ず来なけりゃ始まらないからね 嘘つくのは良くないけど、そんな余裕すら無かったよ けどそんな中、ある女性から連絡来た、 どうしよう!?、色んな意味で…。 その女性にもし「あれ?、アイコンと何か違う!」 って突っ込まれたらどうしよう!? しかも彼女、この間迄女子高生だったと言うし 色んな意味合いで楽しみだけど…。 そんなこんなで来ちゃった当日が。 僕は出来る限り清潔感を出して 最寄りの駅で待ち合わせの場所に僕は30分早く着いた 彼女が来る迄持参してた漫画本を読みながら 待つ事30分後に現れた女性が挨拶した後の言葉はやはり 解っていたけど「あれ!、アイコンと何か違いますね?」 ちょっと気まずくなったけど…。 この間迄女子高生で、しかも 可愛くて背が低くて胸が大きいなあ…。 そんな彼女と2人でカラオケに行く事になった 彼女は好きなミュージシャンの話とか 今迄どんな活動をして来たとか、色々楽しそうに語ったよ 女子と話すのってこんなに楽しい 気のせいか?、周囲から羨望の眼差し! そんなこんなでカラオケボックスに着いた 僕が料金払い、2人切りになったどうしよう!? 僕は彼女の歌唱力と音域を知る為に 「歌って」と言ったら、何故か彼女が あれ?、アイコンタクトを僕に送ってる 理解出来ない僕に、君は悔恨の念を込めて 「先に歌って!」と僕に言って来たんだよ、 しょうがなく僕は先ずコントローラー取ろうとして 彼女の近くに行くと良い香りがし あれが「ズコーン!」と勃って僕は 彼女に気付かれぬようポジション変えたよ ヤバイと思って性欲をグッと堪えてた、ずっと…。 そんなこんなでお互い歌い終えて、その場で解散し 僕は急いでアパートに帰ってすぐ彼女で抜いたら いつもより大量(どぴゅっ!、と)に出たよ これをいつかあの娘の中に…。 説明文:私がプロのミュージシャンを目指して上京しすぐにユニットを組むために楽器屋で女性ボーカルを募集し、ある女性ボーカルと出会った時の事を歌にしました。 What? You’re nothing like the icon! It can’t be helped, I’m not confident in my looks Then at least I’ll look like an icon! I’ve made up my mind, right? I’m not a professional musician. I was aiming to become a professional musician, and soon after I moved to Tokyo. I added an icon on a pasteboard to meet a female vocalist at a music store. I thought that no one would come if I wrote a normal icon, so I thought about it a lot and did so. If I’m going to do this, I might as well draw a good-looking guy! I thought, “If people don’t show up first, I can’t start. I know it’s not good to lie, but I couldn’t even afford it. But then a woman contacted me. In so many ways…. In many ways… If I had said to her, “What? What if she said, “Hey, you look different from the icon! What if she says, “Hey, you look different from the icon! She was a high school girl until the other day, so I’m looking forward to it in many ways…. And so the day came. I tried to look as clean as possible and arrived at the meeting place at the nearest station 30 minutes early. After 30 minutes of waiting while reading a comic book I had brought with me, a woman showed up and greeted me, saying “Hey! Something different from the icon?” I felt a little awkward…. She was a high school girl, cute, short and with big breasts…. We decided to go to karaoke together. She was talking happily about her favorite musicians and her past activities. Talking with a girl is so much fun! Is it my imagination? I was getting a lot of envious glances from everyone around me! And so we arrived at the karaoke box. I paid the bill and we were alone. I asked her to sing to get a feel for her singing ability and range. She’s making eye contact with me. I didn’t understand and you said to me with regret, “Sing first! I couldn’t understand it, so you said to me in frustration, “Sing first! So I go up to her to get the controller first, and she smells so good, and my dick goes “boom” and I’m like, “Oh, my God! I changed my position without her noticing. I knew I was in trouble, so I held back my sexual desire for a long time…. I went back to my apartment and masturbated on her and got a lot more than usual. I was so happy. I hope to put this in her someday…. Description: I wrote this song about the time when I met a female vocalist at a music store to form a unit after I moved to Tokyo to become a professional musician. I wrote a song about the time I met a female vocalist. By the way, nothing happened with her so to speak….