妹に包丁で刺されそうになった時の歌(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] The song I sang when my sister almost stabbed me with a kitchen knife.
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1番のサビは、1:30からです。The main part start at 1:30. ↓English lyrics are listed below. 「お前殺すぞ出て来いよ!」と妹に包丁を 向けられながら言われた事があるよ 本当にあの時は怖かった…。 僕が高校1年の秋、些細な事で妹と口論になり そのままヒートアップして僕は普段ならこの辺で 言い負かされ引き下がるけど、 今回中々そうならない僕に妹が何を思ってか 台所から包丁を取り出して僕に向けて来たよ いつもならこうなる前に父が出しゃばって来て僕だけを 罵りながら一方的に殴ったり蹴ったりして来るよ…。 勿論僕の話なんか、聞く耳一切持たないし 妹の言う事を鵜呑みにしてほくそ笑む妹を尻目に 「妹に譲れよ、男だべ!、兄貴だべ!」と 訳の解らない言い分で締め括られるけど その父が出掛けてて今居ないから感情をコントロール出来ず すっかり逆上した妹は僕に怒鳴りながら 「おい!、お前殺すぞ出て来いよ」って包丁を向けて来た 僕は慌てながら部屋に避難しようとする僕を道中妹は 僕を目掛けて尾骶骨を蹴り入れるから痛いんです そんな僕に妹は情け容赦無く攻撃の手足を一切緩めなかったんだ…。 そんなこんなで数分経った頃「ピンポーン」と呼び鈴鳴ったよ 3度鳴らしても返事が無いからお客さんがドアを開けた 「誰か居るの?」って言い出したその声は知人のおじさんで 以前僕が居留守使った時に構わず入って来たんだよ 「ずかずかっ!」と空気を読まずに僕を怒ったよ あの時のように妹を叱ってくれる筈、あの人なら…。 僕は僅かな希望を胸に抱きながらそのおじさんに 助けを求めようとしたら妹が包丁を向けながら僕に 「お前殺すぞ、出て行く迄大声出すなよ!」と僕に言って来た。 僕ドキッとした、悪い意味で。心臓にも悪い…。 さっき食べたご飯出てしまいそう、 こみ上げて来る胃酸を堪えながら 僕は今どうやってこのピンチを乗り切るかずっと考えてると 「誰か居ないの?、居ないなら帰るよ?」 とわざとらしく言いながら帰って行っちゃった…。 普段なら「居るんだろ?、入るよ」と言って入るのに こんな時ばかり空気を読んで逃げてんじゃねえ! 僕がピンチなの解ってんなら、 せめて警察に連絡してから帰れよ! そんな事も出来ないのか!? あの人はたまに会う度偉そうな事ばっかり言ってるけど いざと言う時には逃げる人だったんだな…。 今回の件であの人の本性を知る事が出来たよ と思うのはこのピンチを切り抜けてからだ、 と思ってたら妹が痺れ切らし…。 「お前殺すぞ出て来いよ、早く言う通りにしろ! お前土下座して『もう逆らわない』と言ったら許してやるからよ」 こんな事言う非常識な奴に心が痛んで 僕は仕方ないから妹に土下座してそう言ったら 満足気にその場を去ってった…。 「お前殺すぞ出て来い!」と言われた事、父さんには言わないよ だって以前僕に包丁を向けた男子を怒っただけで…。 「いずれ妹の面倒を見ろよ!」とか負の遺産でしかないよ! こんな奴の面倒を見なきゃいけないなんて、まして一生なんて嫌だ! しかも「父さんの面倒も見ろ!、男だべ!、兄貴だべ!」 だとしても嫌だ!、例え遺言でも…。 その日の夜、父が神妙な顔で僕を呼び出し 妹に包丁を向けられた事で何故か僕に対して怒って来たよ 後、こう言って来たんだ「もしお前が警察に言っても 俺が被害届を取り下げるぞ!」と言った 何でいつもこうなるの? こいつらと早く縁を切りたいよ…。 説明文:私に2歳年下の妹が居るのですが、私が当時高校1年生の秋に、些細な事で妹と口論になり、妹が頭に来て私に包丁を向けて来て、最終的に私に土下座させられました。その時の悔しさをこの歌に込めてみました。後で知ったのですが、妹はこの件を父に「兄貴が又訳わかんない事を言って因縁付けて来たんだけど」と言ったそうです、私に包丁を向けて来た事は一切伏せて…。ちなみに、作中の包丁を向けた男子についての詳細は71曲目をご参照下さい。私は父に事の顛末を正直に話しましたが、作中の内容に加えて「妹がそんな事をしたのは全部お前のせいだ!」と言われました。最後に「お前やっぱり1回、精神科に行って頭の中身診て貰った方が良いんじゃないか?」とも言われました、自分が今迄私だけを虐待して来た事を棚に上げながら…。それにそんな事を言ったら妹も頭の中身診て貰った方が良い筈ですが、父は妹に関しては「お前より遥かにまともだぞ!?」と言ってました…。 "I'll kill you, come out!" my sister once said to me while pointing gran brother me, I was really scared at that time... In the fall of my first year of high school, I got into an argument with my sister over a trivial matter, and things got heated. Usually, before this happens, my father would come in and beat and kick me, cursing me and only me…. Of course, he never listens to what I have to say. He just takes my sister’s words at face value and smiles at her, saying, “Give it up to your sister, you’re a man! You’re my brother! But since my father was out of town, my sister couldn’t control her emotions, and she was completely out of control. I’m going to kill you! She pointed a knife at me and said, “Hey! I tried to escape to my room in a panic, but on the way my sister kicked me in the tailbone, which hurt so much. After a few minutes of this, the doorbell rang with a “pin g-pong.” I rang it three times and there was no answer, so the guest opened the door. “Who’s there?” he said. The voice said, “Is someone there?” It was an acquaintance of mine, an uncle who had come in without a second thought when I had left my house unattended, and had scolded me. I was about to ask him for help with a little hope in my heart when my sister pointed a kitchen knife at me and said, “I’m going to kill you, so don’t scream until I get out! She said to me, “I’m going to kill you, don’t yell until I get out! I was so nervous, but in a bad way. In a bad way. It was bad for my heart…. I was about to spit out the food I had just eaten, and as I held back the stomach acid that was rising in my stomach, I kept thinking about how I was going to get out of this crisis. If not, I’m going home. I was thinking about how to get out of this crisis. Normally, I would have said, “Are you there? I’m coming in.” But this is the only time you can’t just run away from me like that! If you know I’m in trouble, at least call the police before you leave! Can’t you even do that? Every time I see him, he talks a lot of big talk, but when the time comes, he just runs away…. I thought, “I’m getting to know his true character through this incident, only after I get out of this pinch…” Then, my sister got numb… ‘I’m going to kill you, come out and do as I say, quick! I’ll forgive you if you get down on your knees and say ‘I won’t disobey you anymore. My heart ached for the insane person who said this, and I had no choice but to get down on my knees and tell my sister so, and she left the place with a satisfied look on her face… I was so hurt by the insane person who said this that I had no choice but to get down on my knees and say it to her, and then she left. I won’t tell my dad about what she said to me. I’m not going to tell my dad about what she said to me, because he just gave a stern warning to a boy who once pointed a knife at me…. “You’ll have to take care of your sister sooner or later!” It’s just a negative legacy! I don’t want to have to take care of this guy, much less for the rest of my life! And “You’ll have to take care of my dad too! You’re a man! You’re my brother!” He also said to me, “You have to take care of your father too, you’re a man! Even if it’s my duty as the eldest son, I don’t want to do it! Even if it is his last will and testament…. That night, my father called me up with a mysterious look on his face and got angry with me for pointing a knife at my sister. Then he said, “If you go to the police, I’ll drop the report! He said, “If you go to the police, I’ll drop the report! Why does this always happen? I can’t wait to get rid of these guys…. Description: I have a younger sister who is two years younger than me. In the fall of my freshman year of high school at the time, I got into an argument with her over a trivial matter, and she got mad and pointed a knife at me, eventually making me get down on my knees. I later learned that my sister told my father about this incident, saying, “My brother has been accusing me again by saying incomprehensible things,” without mentioning the fact that he had pointed a knife at me.