バスケの1年生大会での悲劇(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] Tragedy at a first-year student basketball tournament
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![バスケの1年生大会での悲劇(Electro Version)[feat.VY1V4] Tragedy at a first-year student basketball tournament](https://booth.pximg.net/76486138-5f33-4be0-8f99-7e5e502ae03a/i/5781857/a04b5aa5-8653-4dea-8c87-17e7c6b422f3_base_resized.jpg)
1番のサビは、1:24からです。The main part start at 1:24. ↓English lyrics are listed below. 1年生大会というのがあるよ うちの地元のバスケ連盟は 1年生同士の試合、年末にやるけどそこでも嫌な思いを強いられた…。 僕はあるバスケ漫画読んですっかりバスケの虜になって 「高校に入ったらバスケ部に入る!」と決め、本当に入ったよ 僕はお人好しで運動音痴 いじめられるの解っているけど それでもやってみたくなってしまった それにもしかしたら凄く上手くなる かも知れない、と思ったけど…。 やっぱり皆の足引っ張って先輩に怒鳴られまくったけど 一方で僕よりも才能豊かで同じ初心者でありながら メキメキと頭角現して実力と自信付けて行った それに反比例して性格どんどん悪くなってったよ 彼は人間的にミニマルで 眼球、瞼もミニマルで 身長僕よりミニマルだけど、こいつにいつも いじめられ心バラバラ 殴られ鼻血ダラダラ ストレスで髪の毛パラパラ、今に至る…。 1年生大会の前に先輩達が修学旅行で1週間居ない時に 1年生のみで練習後に部室内で 僕に「よえくせばが」って言ったよ 宮城県民には最大級の侮辱語を…。 翌日も1年生のみで練習を終えて、奴が今日はこう言って来た 「お前の事みんな辞めて欲しい、と言っていたぞ お前が本気で俺達の事を思うならば退部届出せよ お前がミスする度、練習を中断させられるのマジで迷惑 その度やる気だだ下がり 練習効率だだ下がり いっつも試合に負けているんだ、お前のせいで」 ある日の練習昼下がり ユニフォーム先輩のお下がり その事笑われだだ下がり 僕のモチベーション 1年生大会の前日の休憩時間に集まっていた 僕以外の1年生同士で楽しそうに話をしてるのを見て 僕も混ざって良い?」と聞いたら 「うるせえ馬鹿!」と怒鳴って来て僕を仲間外れにした…。 僕は仕方なく個人練習に精を出し明日に備えるよ 「そっちこそ練習をしなくても良いの?」 と言うのを堪え個人練習再開だ! 今日の練習は終了だ 先生が呼びかけ号令だ あいつがすぐ「おい亡霊!」って僕にそう言ってすぐに 「さっさと部室を片付けろ! ボールをしっかりと磨けよ! 明日のボールも用意しとけよ! お前はよえくせ馬鹿なんだし!」 そう言いあいつはご帰宅で、手伝う気なんか全く無え…。 仕方が無いからさっさと終わらせてしまおうっと…。 互角のチームと相対し、もし僕のせいで敗退し ボコボコにされるの痛いし、そうならないように祈ったよ…。 1年生大会が始まる前から、又あいつに怒鳴られてしまった 古いボールが1個も入ってなく全部新品ばっかりで その事で詰問されちゃったよ試合前から…。 そんな中、1年生大会が実際始まったら 「ディフェンス!、ディフェンス!」と必死になって ここでも自分の事を良く見せようとしてるよ…。 それを「カッコイイ」と言っている女子も居たよ…。 こいつの本性を知ってもそう思うならば彼女らも同類だ…。 彼はストレス解消の為、練習後僕にこう言うよ にやけた顔しながら「1対1をしよう」 先生が見ていないトコでは 「イエーイ勝ったー!、よえくせばか!」って 点を取る度に言うけれど、先生の前では点を取る度 「こうした方が良い」と教える振りして来た 他人に良く見せるのも本当に上手いな…。 説明文:私自身中学生の時に、某バスケアニメの影響で、すっかりバスケにハマってしまいました。それで高校でバスケ部に入ったは良いものの、お人好しで運動音痴な私では当然、皆から総スカンを毎日喰らいました。特に同学年のある初心者からの叱責が酷かった事をこの歌に込めてみました。ちなみに「よえくせばが」とは、弱くて臭い馬鹿、という意味です。宮城県民にとっては最大級の侮辱語と言っても過言ではありません。先述の初心者の口癖の1つです。ちなみにそいつからは「うるせえ馬鹿、何やってんだお前、頭悪いんじゃねえのか!?」と何度も言われ続けました…。ある意味、私の父と妹よりも許せないです…。 My local basketball league has a “first-year student tournament” at the end of every year for first-year student, and even there I had a bad experience…. I read a basketball comic book and was completely captivated by basketball, so I decided to join the basketball team when I entered high school. I decided to join the basketball team when I entered high school, and I really did! I know I’m a softy, and I know I’ll be bullied for my lack of athleticism, but I still wanted to give it a try. And I thought maybe I could be really good at it, but…. I was still dragging everyone down and getting yelled at a lot by my seniors, but on the other hand, he was more talented than I was, and even though we were both beginners, he quickly rose to prominence and gained in ability and confidence. On the other hand, he was more talented than me and was also a beginner. He is a minimalist human being, with minimal eyeballs and eyelids, and he is taller than me, but he always bullied me, breaking my heart, beating me, making my nose bleed, and making my hair fall out from stress…. Before the first-year student tournament, when the seniors were away for a week on a school trip, he called me a “yoekusebaga” in the club room after practice with only the freshmen, the biggest insult for Miyagi residents…. The next day, after practice with only first-year students, he said to me today, “Everyone wants you to quit, and if you really care about us, you should report your resignation! He also told me that every time you make a mistake, we have to stop practice, which is a real nuisance, and it lowers our motivation and practice efficiency. One day in the afternoon of practice, I was given a hand-me-down uniform from a senior, and he laughed at me about it, and my motivation dropped…. The day before the first-year competition, I saw the other first-year students gathered together during break time and talking happily, so I asked them if I could join them. I asked him, “Can I join you? He yelled at me and excluded me from the group…. I had no choice but to practice on my own and get ready for tomorrow. I’m going to practice and get ready for tomorrow. I could not resist saying, “You don’t have to practice? The teacher called for the end of today’s practice, and he immediately said to me, “Hey, ghost! He immediately said to me, “Clean up the clubroom quickly! Polish the ball well! Get tomorrow’s ball ready! You’re a yoekusebaka!” He went home and didn’t want to help at all…. I had no choice but to get it over with…. I was facing an evenly matched team, and if they lost because of me and got beat up, it would be painful. Before the first-year student tournament even started, that guy was yelling at me again…. He was yelling at me again before the first-year student tournament even started… He was chastising me for not having any of the old balls in the bag, but only the new ones, before the game even started…. But when the first-year tournament actually started, he yelled at me, “Defense! Defense! and they are trying to make themselves look good here too…. Some of the girls were saying “cool guy” when they saw that…. They are just as bad as him if they think so after knowing his true nature…. To relieve stress, he would tell me after practice, with a smirk on his face, “Let’s have a one-on-one. When the teacher wasn’t looking, he would say, “Yay, I won! yoekusebaka! Every time I scored a point, I would say, Description: When I was in junior high school, I was completely addicted to basketball because of a certain basketball anime. So I joined the basketball club in high school, but being a good-natured and athletically inept person, I was naturally reprimanded daily by everyone. I wrote this song about how I was especially reprimanded by a certain beginner in the same grade. By the way, “yoekusebaka” means “weak, stinking idiot. It is no exaggeration to say that it is one of the biggest insults for Miyagi Prefecture residents. It is one of the aforementioned beginners’ habit. By the way, he kept saying to me, “Shut up, you idiot, what are you doing, you must be stupid! He kept saying to me over and over again, “Shut up, you idiot! In a way, he is more unforgivable than my father and sister….